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45 plant name records match your search criteria Parathelypteris. The results are below.

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See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

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Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied
Parathelypteris angulariloba (Ching) Ching Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris angustifrons (Miq.) Ching Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris auriculata H.G. Zhou & Hua Li Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris beddomei (Baker) Ching Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris borealis (Hara) K.H. Shing Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris caoshanensis Ching Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris castanea (Tagawa) Ching Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris caudata Ching ex K.H. Shing Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris changbaishanensis Ching ex K.H. Shing Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris chinensis (Ching) Ching Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris chinensis var. chinensis Synonym L TRO
Parathelypteris chingii K.H. Shing & J.F. Cheng Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris cystopteroides (D.C. Eaton) Ching Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris formosa Nakaike Unresolved L IPNI
Parathelypteris glanduligera (Kunze) Ching Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris glanduligera var. glanduligera Synonym L TRO
Parathelypteris grammitoides (Christ) Ching Synonym M TRO
Parathelypteris hirsutipes (C.B. Clarke) Ching Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris immersa (Blume) Ching Synonym M TRO
Parathelypteris indochinensis (Christ) Ching Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris japonica (Baker) Ching Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris japonica var. formosa (Nakaike) Pic. Serm. Accepted L TRO
Parathelypteris japonica var. glabrata (Ching) K.H. Shing Accepted L TRO
Parathelypteris japonica var. japonica Synonym L TRO
Parathelypteris japonica var. musashiensis (Hiyama) Ching Accepted L TRO
Parathelypteris japonica f. viridescens (Makino) Nakaike Accepted L TRO
Parathelypteris jinfoshanensis Ching & Z.Y. Liu Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris miyagii Nakaike Unresolved L IPNI
Parathelypteris nevadensis Holttum Synonym M TRO
Parathelypteris nigrescens Ching ex K.H. Shing Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris nipponica (Franch. & Sav.) Ching Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris noveboracensis (L.) Ching Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris pauciloba Ching ex K.H. Shing Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris pectiniformis (C. Chr.) Ching Synonym M TRO
Parathelypteris petelotii (Ching) Ching Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris qinlingensis Ching ex K.H. Shing Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris rechingeri Holttum Unresolved L IPNI
Parathelypteris salazica Holttum Unresolved L IPNI
Parathelypteris serrulata Ching Unresolved L IPNI
Parathelypteris serrutula (Ching) Ching Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris simozawae (Tagawa) Ching Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris simulata Holttum Synonym M TRO
Parathelypteris subimmersa (Ching) Ching Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris trichochlamys Ching ex K.H. Shing Accepted M TRO
Parathelypteris viscosa Ching Unresolved L TRO
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