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653 plant name records match your search criteria Orthotrichum. The results are below.

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Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied
Orthotrichum abbreviatum Gronvall Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum acroblepharis Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum acuminatum H. Philib. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum acutifolium Hook. & Grev. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum aequatoreum Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum aetnense De Not. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum affine Schrad. ex Brid. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum affine var. appendiculatum (Schimp.) Venturi Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum affine var. fallax (Bruch ex Brid.) Hampe Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum affine var. fastigiatum (Bruch ex Brid.) Huebener Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum affine var. patens (Bruch & Brid.) Garov. Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum affine var. speciosum (Nees) Hartm. Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum afrofastigiatum Müll. Hal. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum alpestre Hornsch. ex B.S.G. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum alpestre var. alpestre Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum alpestre var. berggrenii (E.B. Bartram) Lewinsky Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum alpestre var. dilatatum Venturi Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum alpestre var. watsonii (James) Grout Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum amabile Toyama Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum amannii Culm. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum americanum P. Beauv. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum anaglyptodon Cardot & Broth. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum anderssonii Müll. Hal. ex Ångstr. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum angulosum P. Beauv. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum angustifolium Hook. f. & Wilson Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum anodon F. Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum anomalum Hedw. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum anomalum subsp. anomalum Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum anomalum var. montanum Venturi Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum anomalum var. niveocalyptra (Mönk.) E. Piccioli Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum anomalum f. niveocalyptra Mönk. Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum anomalum var. pellucidum (Lindb.) Venturi Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum anomalum var. saxatile Milde Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum anomalum x stramineum R. Ruthe Unresolved L TRO
Orthotrichum antarcticum Cardot Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum apiculatum Hook. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum appendiculatum Schimp. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum araucarieti Müll. Hal. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum arborescens Thér. & Naveau Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum arcangelianum Massari Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum arcticum Schimp. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum arcticum var. microblephare (Schimp.) Mönk. Unresolved L TRO
Orthotrichum arctum R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum argentinicum Herzog Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum aristoblepharum Herzog Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum armatum Lewinsky & van Rooy Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum arnellii Gronvall Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum arnellii var. aurantiacum Medelius Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum arnellii var. boreale (Gronvall) Medelius Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum assamicum Griff. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum assimile Müll. Hal. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum atratum Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum aucklandicum (Vitt) Goffinet Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum aurantiacum Gronvall Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum aurantiorum Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum aureum Mårtensson Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum australe Jur. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum austrocupulatum Dixon & Sainsbury Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum austropulchellum Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum avonense R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum baldaccii Bott. & Venturi Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum barclayi (Mitt.) Kindb. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum barthii Sendtn. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum bartramii R.S. Williams Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum beckettii Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum bellum Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum benmorense R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum bequaertii Thér. & Naveau Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum berggrenii E.B. Bartram Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum berthoumiaei Buyss. Unresolved L TRO
Orthotrichum bicolor Thér. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum bistratosum (Schiffner) J. Guerra Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum blyttii Schimp. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum blyttii var. microblephare (Schimp.) C.E.O. Jensen Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum blyttii var. sommerfeltii (Schimp.) I. Hagen Unresolved L TRO
Orthotrichum bolanderi Sull. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum boreale Gronvall Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum brachytrichum Schimp. ex Lesq. & James Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum brassii E.B. Bartram Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum braunii Bruch & Schimp. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum breutellii Hampe Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum breve P. Beauv. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum brevicolle Mitt. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum brevinerve Lindb. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum brevirostrum R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum brevisetum R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum brigantiacum Culm. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum brotheri Dusén ex Lewinsky Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum brownianum (Dicks.) Sw. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum brownii Paris Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum bruchii (Hornsch.) Spruce Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum bruchii var. dilatatum (Bruch & Schimp.) Büse Unresolved L TRO
Orthotrichum bryoides Griff. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum bullatum Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum caespitosum Herzog Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum calcareum R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum californicum Venturi Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum callistomoides Broth. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum callistomum Fisch.-Oost. ex Bruch & Schimp. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum calvescens (Wilson) Carrington Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum calvum Hook. f. & Wilson Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum calvum var. brevisetum Dixon Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum campbelliae Watts & Whitel. Unresolved L TRO
Orthotrichum canadense Bruch & Schimp. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum cancellatum Cardot & Thér. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum canum Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum capense O'Shea Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum carinatum (Mitt.) Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum carinthiacum Glow. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum casasianum F. Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum caucasicum Venturi Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum chilense Mitt. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum cirrosum (Hedw.) Hook. & Grev. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum citrinum Austin Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum clathratum Cardot Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum clavatum Bernh. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum clavellatum Hook. & Grev. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum clintonii R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum coarctatum P. Beauv. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum coarctatum var. dilatatum (Bruch & Schimp.) Rabenh. Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum columbicum Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum commutatum Bruch Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum compactum Dusén Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum compositum (Hedw.) Brid. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum concavifolium Griff. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum conceptionense Thér. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum confertum Bruch Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum conicorostrum R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum connectens Kindb. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum consimile Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum consobrinum Cardot Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum coralloides Duby Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum coulteri Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum courtoisii Broth. & Paris Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum crassifolium Hook. f. & Wilson Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum crassifolium var. acutum Müll. Hal. Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum crenatoerosum Müll. Hal. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum crenulatum Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum cribrosum Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum crispatum (Hedw.) Hook. & Grev. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum crispifolium Broth. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum crispulum (Bruch) Hornsch. ex B.S.G. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum crispum Hedw. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum crispum subsp. crispulum (Bruch) Nyl. & Saelan Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum cupulatum Hoffm. ex Brid. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum cupulatum var. austrocupulatum (Dixon & Sainsbury) Lewinsky Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum cupulatum var. baldaccii (Bott. & Venturi) Podp. Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum cupulatum var. bistratosum Schiffner Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum cupulatum f. bistratosum (Schiffner) Lazarenko Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum cupulatum var. brevinerve (Lindb.) J.J. Amann Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum cupulatum var. cupulatum Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum cupulatum var. immersum (Herzog) Podp. Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum cupulatum var. juranum (Meyl.) E. Piccioli Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum cupulatum subsp. juranum Meyl. Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum cupulatum var. mucronatum (Venturi) Paris Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum cupulatum var. nudum (Dicks.) Lindb. Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum cupulatum var. pellucidum (Lindb.) Podp. Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum cupulatum f. rudolphianum Podp. Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum cupulatum subsp. sardagnanum (Venturi) Venturi Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum cupulatum var. sardagnanum (Venturi) Venturi Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum cupulatum var. sturmii (Hoppe & Hornsch.) Hampe Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum cupulatum var. tomentosum (Glow.) Podp. Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum curvatum Brid. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum curvatum R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum curvifolium Wahlenb. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum cyathiforme R. Br. bis Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum cylindricum Warnst. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum cylindricum Lesq. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum cylindrocarpum Lesq. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum cylindrothecium R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum dagestanicum Fedosov & Ignatova Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum darwinii (Mitt.) Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum dasymitrium Lewinsky Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum decurrens Thér. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum defluens Venturi Unresolved L TRO
Orthotrichum delavayi (Broth. & Paris) T. Cao Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum densum Lewinsky Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum denticulatum Lewinsky Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum diaphanum Schrad. ex Brid. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum diaphanum var. brevipilum Warnst. Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum diaphanum var. heterophyllum (P. Beauv.) F. Weber & D. Mohr Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum diaphanum var. podocarpi (Müll. Hal.) Lewinsky Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum dilatatum Bruch & Schimp. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum douglasii Duby Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum drummondii Hook. & Grev. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum duthiei Venturi Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum eckhlonii Hornsch. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum elegans Schwägr. ex Hook. & Grev. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum elegantulum Schimp. ex Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum elongatum Taylor Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum emersulum Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum encalyptaceum Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum encalyptaceum var. tenuisetum Müll. Hal. Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum epapillosum E. Lawton & F.J. Herm. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum epibryum De Not. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum epilosum R.S. Williams Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum erectidens Cardot Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum erectum R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum eremitense (Mitt.) Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum erosum Lewinsky Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum erpodiaceum Müll. Hal. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum erubescens Müll. Hal. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum erythrostomum Gronvall Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum euryphyllum Venturi Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum exiguum Sull. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum exsertisetum Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum fallax Bruch ex Brid. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum fallax var. truncatulum Austin Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum fasciculare Brid. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum fasciculatum (Brid.) Brid. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum fastigiatum Bruch ex Brid. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum fenestratum Cardot & Thér. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum ferrugineum Bruch ex Hook. & Grev. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum fimbriatum P. Beauv. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum firmum Venturi Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum flaccum De Not. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum flexifolium R. Br. bis Unresolved L TRO
Orthotrichum floerkeanum Martins Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum floerkei Hornsch. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum flowersii Vitt Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum fortunatii Thér. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum franzonianum De Not. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum freyanum Goffinet, W.R. Buck & M. A. Wall Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum fuegianum (Mitt.) Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum funckii Brid. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum furcatum Otnyukova Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum fuscum (Venturi) Venturi Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum galiciae F. Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum garretti Grout & Flowers Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum germanum Mont. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum gevaliense Gronvall Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum gigantosporum Lewinsky Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum glabellum (Mitt.) Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum glaucum Spreng. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum gracile Hook. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum gracillimum R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum graphiomitrium Müll. Hal. ex Beckett Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum griffithii Mitt. ex Dixon Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum groenlandicum Berggr. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum gymnomitrium (Müll. Hal.) Broth. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum gymnostomum Bruch ex Brid. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum hainesiae Austin Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum hallii Sull. & Lesq. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum handiense F. Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum hawaiicum Müll. Hal. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum hendersonii Renauld & Cardot Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum hercynicum (Hedw.) P. Beauv. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum herteri Herzog Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum heteromallum Schwägr. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum heterophyllum P. Beauv. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum hillebrandii Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum hispanicum F. Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum holmenii Lewinsky-Haapasaari Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum holzingeri Renauld & Cardot Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum hooglandii E.B. Bartram Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum hookeri Wilson ex Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum hookeri var. granulatum Lewinsky Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum hornschuchii Hook. & Grev. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum hortense Bosw. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum hortoniae Vitt Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum hurunni R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum hutchinsiae Sm. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum hybridum H. Philib. ex Podp. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum ibericum F. Lara & Mazimpaka Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum ibukiense Toyama Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum idahense Cardot & Thér. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum immersum Brid. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum imperfectum Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum inaequale R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum incanum Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum inclinatum Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum incrassatum Lewinsky Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum incurvifolium Hook. & Grev. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum incurvomarginatum Lewinsky & van Rooy Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum inflexum Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum insidiosum Herzog Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum involutifolium Hook. & Grev. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum iwatsukii Ignatov Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum jamesianum Sull. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum jamesonii Arn. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum japonicum Sull. & Lesq. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum jetteae B.H. Allen Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum johnstonii E.B. Bartram Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum juranum (Meyl.) G. Roth Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum karoo F. Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum kaurinii Gronvall Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum keeverae H.A. Crum & L.E. Anderson Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum kellmanii D.H. Norris, Shevock & Goffinet Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum killiasii Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum killiasii var. amannii Gronvall Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum killiasii var. erythrostomum (Gronvall) K. Krieg. Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum killiasii var. macroblephare (Schimp.) Lindb. Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum kingianum Lesq. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum laetevirens (Limpr.) K. Krieg. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum laevigatum J.E. Zetterst. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum laevigatum var. kingianum (Lesq.) Grout Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum laevigatum f. laevigatum Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum laevigatum var. laevigatum Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum laevigatum f. macounii (Austin) E. Lawton & Vitt Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum lancifolium R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum lateciliatum Venturi Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum lateciliatum var. apiculatum Venturi Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum laterale Hampe Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum latifolium Gronvall Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum latimarginatum Lewinsky Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum latorum R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum lawrencei Mitt. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum laxifolium Wilson Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum laxum Lewinsky-Haapasaari Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum leblebicii Erdağ, Kürschner & Parolly Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum lebrunii Besch. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum leikipiae Müll. Hal. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum leiocarpum var. rotae De Not. Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum leiodon Kindb. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum leiolecythis Müll. Hal. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum leiothecium Müll. Hal. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum leptocarpum Bruch & Schimp. ex Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum lescurii Austin Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum letourneuxii Besch. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum leucomitrium Bruch ex Brid. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum lewinskyae F. Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum ligulatum Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum liliputanum Broth. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum limprichtii I. Hagen Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum lobbianum (Mitt.) Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum lonchothecium Müll. Hal. & Kindb. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum longifolium Hook. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum longipes Hook. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum longirostre Hook. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum longitheca R. Br. bis Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum lorentzii Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum lozanoi Cardot Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum lozanoi var. lutescens Cardot Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum ludificans Lewinsky Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum ludwigii Brid. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum luteolum Hook. f. & Wilson Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum luteum Hook. f. & Wilson Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum lyellii Hook. & Taylor Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum lyellii var. howei Renauld & Cardot Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum lyellii var. papillosum (Hampe) Sull. Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum lyellii var. pringlei (Müll. Hal.) Macoun & Kindb. Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum lyellii subsp. strictum Venturi Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum lyellioides Kindb. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum macfaddenae R.S. Williams Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum macleai Rehmann ex Sim Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum macleanum J. Shaw Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum macloskii Dusén Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum macounii Austin Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum macounii var. lonchothecium (Müll. Hal. & Kindb.) Grout Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum macroblephare Schimp. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum macrocalycinum (Mitt.) Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum macrocephalum F. Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum macrosporum Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum magellanicum Mont. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum magnotheca R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum malacophyllum Cardot Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum malacophyllum var. guatemalense E.B. Bartram Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum malacothecium Müll. Hal. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum mandonii Schimp. ex Hampe Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum marginatum Ångström Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum maritimum (Müll. Hal. & Kindb.) Kindb. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum mazimpakanum Garilleti & F. Lara Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum megalosporum (Venturi) Kindb. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum meyenianum Hampe Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum microblephare Schimp. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum microcarpum De Not. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum microcarpum subsp. valesiacum (H. Philib. & J.J. Amann) Podp. Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum microphyllum Hook. & Grev. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum microsporum Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum microstomum Hook. & Grev. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum minimifolium R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum minutum R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum minutum Kindb. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum mirum Lewinsky Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum mitigatum I. Hagen Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum mollissimum Müll. Hal. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum moorcroftii Hook. & Grev. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum moravicum Pláaek & Sawicki Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum mucronifolium Hook. & Grev. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum neglectum Opiz Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum nepalense Hook. & Grev. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum nicholsonii (Culm.) Culm. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum nigritum Bruch & Schimp. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum nipponense Nog. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum nivale Spruce Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum norrisii F. Lara, R. Medina & Garilleti Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum notabile Lewinsky-Haapasaari Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum nudum Dicks. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum nudum var. immersum Herzog Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum nutans Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum oamarense R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum oamaruanum R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum obesum R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum obliquum R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum obscurum Gronvall Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum obtusatum R. Br. bis Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum obtusifolium Brid. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum obtusifolium var. rogeri (Brid.) Hampe Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum obtusiusculum (Müll. Hal. & Kindb.) Kindb. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum occidentale James Unresolved L TRO
Orthotrichum octoblephare Brid. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum octoblephare var. appendiculatum (Schimp.) Podp. Unresolved L TRO
Orthotrichum octoblephare subsp. fastigiatum (Bruch ex Brid.) Podp. Unresolved L TRO
Orthotrichum octoblephare var. fastigiatum (Bruch ex Brid.) C.E.O. Jensen Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum ohioense Sull. & Lesq. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum oreophilum Lewinsky & van Rooy Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum ornatum R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum otiraense R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum pallens Bruch ex Brid. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum pallens var. pallens Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum pallens subsp. pallidum (Lindb. & Arnell) Giacom. Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum pallens subsp. scopulorum (Lindb.) Kindb. Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum pallidum P. Beauv. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum papillosum Hampe Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum papillosum subsp. strictum (Venturi) Kindb. Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum paradoxum Gronvall Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum paraguense Besch. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum pariatum Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum parvitheca R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum parvulum Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum parvum Herzog Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum patens Bruch & Brid. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum patens var. stramineum (Hornsch.) Hampe Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum patulum Mitt. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum peckei Sull. & Lesq. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum pellucidum Lindb. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum penicillatum Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum perexiguum Dusén ex Lewinsky Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum perforatum Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum perichaetiale Hook. & Grev. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum philibertii Venturi Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum phyllanthoides Müll. Hal. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum phyllanthum (Brid.) Steud. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum piliferum (Schwägr.) Arn. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum pilosissimum R. Medina, F. Lara & Garilleti Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum platyblephare Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum plicatum P. Beauv. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum podocarpi Müll. Hal. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum polare Lindb. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum polytrichoides (Hedw.) Brid. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum porteri Sull. & Lesq. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum praemorsum Venturi Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum praenubilum Stirt. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum praeperistomatum Venturi Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum praeruptorum Herzog Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum prasinellum Stirt. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum pringlei Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum prorepens Hook. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum pseudopumilum Venturi Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum pseudostramineum Dism. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum pseudotenellum Hampe ex Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum psilocarpum James Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum psilothecium Müll. Hal. & Kindb. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum psychrophilum Mont. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum puiggarii Duby Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum pulchellum Brunt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum pulchellum var. pulchellum Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum pulchellum subsp. ulotaeforme (Renauld & Cardot) Kindb. Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum pulchrum Lewinsky Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum pulvinatum R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum pumilum Sw. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum pumilum var. pumilum Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum pumilum var. rogeri (Brid.) Husn. Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum punctatum Hook. & Grev. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum pungens Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum pusillum Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum pycnophyllum Schimp. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum pygmaeothecium Müll. Hal. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum pylaisii Brid. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum pylaisii var. pylaisii Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum pyriforme Opiz Unresolved L TRO
Orthotrichum quenoae Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum radiculosum Brid. Unresolved L TRO
Orthotrichum raui Austin Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum recurvans Schimp. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum recurvifolium Hook. & Grev. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum reflexum R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum rehmannii (Jur.) Kindb. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum revolutum Müll. Hal. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum rhabdophorum Venturi Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum rhytiore B.H. Allen Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum rivulare Turner Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum robustum R. Br. bis Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum roellii Venturi Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum roellii subsp. schlotthaueri (Venturi) Kindb. Unresolved L TRO
Orthotrichum rogeri Brid. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum rogeri var. defluens (Venturi) Venturi Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum rubescens Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum rudolphii Lehm. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum rufescens Hampe Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum rufulum Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum rugifolium Hook. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum rupestre Schleich. ex Schwägr. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum rupestre var. bauerianum (Schiffner) Podp. Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum rupestre subsp. caespitosum (Herzog) Podp. Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum rupestre var. carinthiacum (Glow.) Podp. Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum rupestre f. franzonianum (De Not.) Mönk. Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum rupestre var. macrosporum (M. Fleisch. & Warnst.) Podp. Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum rupestre var. octodentatum (Hult) Podp. Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum rupestre var. rupestre Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum rupestre f. rupincola (Funck) Mönk. Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum rupestre subsp. sturmii (Hoppe & Hornsch.) Boulay Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum rupestre var. virens (Venturi) Broth. Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum rupestriforme Venturi Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum rupicola Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum rupincola Funck Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum sainsburyi Allison Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum sardagnanum Venturi Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum sardagnanum var. brevinerve (Lindb.) K. Krieg. Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum scaberrimum Broth. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum scabridum (Kindb.) Kindb. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum scanicum Gronvall Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum schimperi Hammar Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum schimperi var. truncatulum (Austin) Paris Unresolved L TRO
Orthotrichum schlotthaueri Venturi Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum schmidii Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum schnyderi Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum schoddei Lewinsky Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum schofieldii (B.C. Tan & Y. Jia) B.H. Allen Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum schubartianum Lorentz Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum schubartianum var. fuscum (Venturi) J.J. Amann Unresolved L TRO
Orthotrichum schubartianum var. himalayanum Venturi Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum schubartianum var. papillosum Culm. Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum scopulorum Lindb. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum sehlmeyeri Bruch ex Brid. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum sehnemii E.B. Bartram Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum serpens Bruch ex Hook. & Grev. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum serrifolium Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum sharpii H. Rob. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum shawii Wilson Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum shevockii Lewinsky-Haapasaari & D.H. Norris Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum sibiricum Gronvall Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum sikkimense Herzog Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum sinuosum Lewinsky Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum smithii (Hedw.) Brid. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum sommerfeltii Schimp. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum sordidulum Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum sordidum Sull. & Lesq. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum sourekii Pilous Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum spanotrichum Lewinsky Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum speciosum Nees Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum speciosum var. amannii (Gronvall) J.J. Amann Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum speciosum subsp. elegans (Schwägr. ex Hook. & Grev.) Lindb. Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum speciosum var. elegans (Schwägr. ex Hook. & Grev.) Warnst. Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum speciosum var. hainesiae (Austin) Paris Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum speciosum var. killiasii (Müll. Hal.) Venturi Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum speciosum var. speciosum Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum speciosum subsp. speciosum Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum speciosum var. transitorium (I. Hagen) Podp. Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum speciosum x elegans Papp Unresolved L TRO
Orthotrichum spiculatum F. Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum spjutii D.H. Norris & Vitt Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum splachnoides Froel. ex Brid. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum sprucei Mont. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum squarrosum (Brid.) Hook. & Grev. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum steerei Lewinsky Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum stellatum Brid. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum stellulatum (Hornsch.) Hook. & Grev. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum stenocarpum Brid. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum stevenii Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum stramineum Hornsch. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum stramineum var. defluens Venturi Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum stramineum subsp. patens (Bruch & Brid.) Giacom. Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum stramineum var. patens (Bruch & Brid.) Venturi Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum stramineum x anomalum R. Ruthe Unresolved L TRO
Orthotrichum strangulatum P. Beauv. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum strangulatum var. mucronatum Venturi Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum strangulatum f. strangulatum Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum striatum Hedw. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum striatum var. rotae (De Not.) I. Hagen Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum strictissimum Molendo Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum strictum Brid. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum sturmii Hoppe & Hornsch. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum sturmii var. bauerianum Schiffner Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum sturmii var. macrosporum M. Fleisch. & Warnst. Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum sturmii var. virens Venturi Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum subalpinum Limpr. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum subexsertum Schimp. ex Müll. Hal. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum subleiolecythis Paris Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum submarginatum Brid. Unresolved L TRO
Orthotrichum subperforatum Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum subpumilum E.B. Bartram ex Lewinsky Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum subrepens Sommerf. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum subrupestre Thér. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum subtortum Hook. & Grev. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum subulatum Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum sulcatum (Hook.) Hook. & Grev. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum sullivanii Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum swainsonii Hook. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum szuchuanicum P.C. Chen Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum tacacomense R.S. Williams Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum taiwanense Lewinsky Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum takakii Sakurai Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum tasmanicum Hook. f. & Wilson Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum tasmanicum var. parvitheca (R. Br. bis) Lewinsky Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum tasmanicum var. tasmanicum Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum tenellum Bruch ex Brid. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum tenellum var. coulteri (Mitt.) Grout Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum tenue Hook. & Grev. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum tenuicaule Lewinsky Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum teremakauense Paris Unresolved L TRO
Orthotrichum texanum Sull. & Lesq. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum texanum var. globosum Lesq. Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum ticinense De Not. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum tomentosum Glow. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum torquatum (Sw. ex Hedw.) Arn. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum tortidontium F. Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum tortifolium Lewinsky Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum tortile Bruch Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum tortulosum R. Br. bis Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum trachymitrium Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum transvaaliense Rehmann ex Sim Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum tristriatum Lewinsky Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum truncatodentatum Müll. Hal. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum truncatum Lewinsky & Deguchi Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum tuberculatum Mitt. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum ulmicola Lag., D. García & Clemente Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum ulotaeforme Renauld & Cardot Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum ulotoides Herzog Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum umbonatum Brid. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum uncinatum (Brid.) Arn. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum underwoodii F. Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum undulatifolium Müll. Hal. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum undulatum Hook. & Grev. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum urceolatum Hook. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum urnaceum Müll. Hal. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum urnigerum Myrin Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum urnigerum var. laetevirens (Limpr.) E. Piccioli Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum urnigerum var. papillosum (Culm.) E. Piccioli Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum urnigerum subsp. schubartianum (Lorentz) Venturi Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum urnigerum subsp. venturii (De Not.) C.E.O. Jensen Accepted L TRO
Orthotrichum urnigerum var. venturii (De Not.) Venturi & Bott. Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum utahense Sull. ex Lesq. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum valesiacum H. Philib. & J.J. Amann Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum ventricosum Nees Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum venturii De Not. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum venturii subsp. fuscum Venturi Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum venturii var. himalajanum Venturi Synonym L TRO
Orthotrichum venustum Venturi Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum vermiferum Lewinsky-Haapasaari Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum verrucatum Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum verrucosum Müll. Hal. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum vexabile (Limpr.) K. Krieg. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum vicarium Lazarenko Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum virens Venturi Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum vittatum (Mitt.) Mitt. Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum vittii F. Lara, Garilleti & Mazimpaka Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum vladikavkanum Venturi Accepted M TRO
Orthotrichum wagneri Lorentz Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum wallisii Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum watsonii James Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum whiteleggei Müll. Hal. Synonym M TRO
Orthotrichum winteri Schimp. Accepted M TRO
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