The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded.

You should refer instead to the current version of The Plant List.


No plant names match your search for Calyptrochaeta subremotifolia; we will try Calyptrochaeta instead.

37 plant name records match your search criteria Calyptrochaeta. The results are below.

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See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

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Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Calyptrochaeta albescens (Hampe) W.R. Buck Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta apiculata (Hook. f. & Wilson) Vitt Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta apiculata var. spathulata (Matteri) Matteri Accepted L TRO
Calyptrochaeta asplenioides (Brid.) Crosby Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta boniana (Besch.) B.C. Tan & Z. Iwats. Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta brassii (E.B. Bartram) Streimann Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta brownii (Dixon) J.K. Bartlett Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta cristata (Hedw.) Desv. Synonym M TRO
Calyptrochaeta deflexa (Müll. Hal.) S.P. Churchill Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta enervis (Nog. & Z. Iwats.) Touw Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta flaccida (Broth.) Z. Iwats., B.C. Tan & Touw Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta flexicaulis O. Yano Unresolved L TRO
Calyptrochaeta flexicollis (Mitt.) Vitt Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta grandiretis (Broth.) H. Rob. Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta haitensis (H.A. Crum & Steere) Crosby Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta isophylla H. Akiy. Unresolved L TRO
Calyptrochaeta japonica (Cardot & Thér.) Z. Iwats. & Nog. Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta leptoloma (Broth.) H. Rob. Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta lorifolius O. Yano Unresolved L TRO
Calyptrochaeta lucida (Thwaites & Mitt.) O'Shea Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta marginata (Thér.) Pursell & W.D. Reese Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta microblasta (Broth.) B.C. Tan & H. Rob. Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta mniadelphus (Spruce ex Mitt.) S.P. Churchill Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta mollis (Besch.) Matteri Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta monilidontius O. Yano Unresolved L TRO
Calyptrochaeta nutans (Hampe) S.P. Churchill Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta odontoloma (Dusén ex Matteri) Matteri Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta otwayensis Streimann Unresolved L TRO
Calyptrochaeta parviretis (M. Fleisch.) Z. Iwats., B.C. Tan & Touw Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta perlimbata (Dixon) B.C. Tan & B. C. Ho Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta pocsii Ninh Synonym M TRO
Calyptrochaeta ramosa (M. Fleisch.) B.C. Tan & H. Rob. Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta ramosa subsp. spinosa (Nog.) P.J. Lin & B.C. Tan Accepted L TRO
Calyptrochaeta remotifolia (Müll. Hal.) Z. Iwats., B.C. Tan & Touw Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta rotundifolia (Nog. & Z. Iwats.) Touw Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta setigera (Mitt.) W.R. Buck Accepted M TRO
Calyptrochaeta spinosa (Nog.) Ninh Synonym M TRO
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