The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

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No plant names match your search for Hoffmannia subcapitata; we will try Hoffmannia instead.

176 plant name records match your search criteria Hoffmannia. The results are below.

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See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

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Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Hoffmannia acuminata (Hung T. Chang) K. Schum. Accepted M TRO
Hoffmannia aeruginosa Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia affinis Hemsl. Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia aggregata (Ruiz & Pav.) K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia amicorum Spreng. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia amplexifolia Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia angustifolia Standl. Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia aphylla Willd. Synonym M TRO
Hoffmannia apodantha Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia arachnipoda Borhidi & Salas-Mor. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia araneopedaria Dwyer Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia arborescens Donn.Sm. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia areolata Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia aroensis Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia asclepiadea Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia asperula Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia australis Lillo Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia bernardii Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia boraginoides Dwyer ex W.C. Burger & C.M. Taylor Unresolved L TRO
Hoffmannia brachycarpa Britton Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia bullata L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia calycosa Donn.Sm. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia capillacea Dwyer Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia caripensis (Humb. & Bonpl.) Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia carlsoniae Standl. & L.O.Williams ex A.Molina Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia carpinterae Standl. Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia cauliflora Hemsl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia cercidifolia Dwyer Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia chiapensis Standl. Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia confertiflora Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia confertiflora K. Schum. Unresolved L TRO
Hoffmannia congesta (Oerst.) Dwyer Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia conzattii B.L.Rob. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia coronata Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia costensis Standl. & Steyerm. Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia cryptoneura Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia culminicola Standl. & L.O.Williams Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia cuneatissima B.L.Rob. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia davidsoniae Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia decurrens Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia dichroantha Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia discolor (Lem.) Hemsl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia dotae Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia duckei Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia dusenii Standl. Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia dwyeri W.C.Burger Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia ecuatoriana Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia eliasii Dwyer Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia excelsa (Kunth) K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia ferruginea K. Schum. Unresolved L TRO
Hoffmannia fimbrianthera Dwyer Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia fortunensis Dwyer ex W.C.Burger Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia gentryi Dwyer Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia gesnerioides (Oerst.) Kuntze Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia ghiesbreghtii (Lem.) Hemsl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia gilmartini Dwyer Unresolved L TRO
Hoffmannia glabra Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia guerrerensis Borhidi & J.Rojas Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia hamelioides Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia hammelii C.M.Taylor Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia haydenii Dwyer Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia hidalgensis Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia hondurensis Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia huehueteca Standl. & Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia inamoena Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia ixtlanensis Lorence Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia jamaicensis Spreng. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia josefina Standl. Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia killipii Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia kirkbridei Dwyer Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia lanceolata Griseb. Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia lancistigma Dwyer Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia larensis Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia latifolia (Bartl. ex DC.) Kuntze Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia lawrancei Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia laxa Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia lenticellata Hemsl. Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia leucocarpa Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia lewisiana Dwyer Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia liesnerana L.O.Williams Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia lindenii (Kuntze) A.P.Davis Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia lineolata Donn.Sm. Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia longicalycina Dwyer Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia longipetiolata Pol. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia longipetiolata var. minor Pol. Synonym L WCSP
Hoffmannia macrophylla (Planch.) Hemsl. Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia macrophylla Standl. [Illegitimate] Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia macrosiphon Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia magnicarpa Dwyer Unresolved L TRO
Hoffmannia manus-satani Dwyer Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia mathewsii Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia megistophylla Standl. Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia mexicana (Link, Klotzsch & Otto) Hemsl. Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia minuticarpa Lorence Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia modesta Diels Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia montana L.O.Williams Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia morii Dwyer Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia moritziana K. Schum. Unresolved L TRO
Hoffmannia nebulosa Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia nesiota Donn.Sm. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia nicotianifolia (M.Martens & Galeotti) L.O.Williams Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia nubium Standl. & L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia oaxacensis Lorence & Dwyer ex Borhidi Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia obovata (Ruiz & Pav.) Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia oreogena L.O.Williams Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia oreophila L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia orizabensis Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia orthoneura Standl. & L.O. Williams Unresolved L TRO
Hoffmannia ostaurea Dwyer Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia pallida Rusby Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia pallidiflora Standl. Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia panamensis Standl. Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia parvifolia Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia patemachensis Dwyer Unresolved L TRO
Hoffmannia pauciflora Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia pearcei Rusby Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia peckii K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia peckii var. selloana K.Schum. Synonym L WCSP
Hoffmannia pedunculata Sw. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia phoenicopoda K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia piratarum Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia pittieri Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia psychotriaefolia (Benth. ex Oerst.) Griseb. Synonym M TRO
Hoffmannia psychotriifolia (Benth.) Griseb. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia psychotriifolia (Benth. ex Oerst.) Hemsl. Synonym M TRO
Hoffmannia pusilla L.O.Williams Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia pustulata Dwyer Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia quadrifolia Standl. & Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia racemifera Standl. & Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia racemiflora Standl. & Steyerm. Unresolved L TRO
Hoffmannia ramonensis Standl. Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia refulgens (Hook.) Hemsl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia regalis (Hook.) Hemsl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia rexmontis Dwyer Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia rhizantha Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia riparia Standl. Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia robusta J.Wagner Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia rosei B.L.Rob. Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia rotata Donn.Sm. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia rotundata Standl. Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia rubriflora Dwyer Unresolved L TRO
Hoffmannia rubripigmenta Dwyer Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia schiediana K. Schum. Unresolved L TRO
Hoffmannia sessilifolia L.O.Williams Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia sessilis Standl. ex Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia sprucei Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia steinvorthii Fosberg Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia stenocarpa Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia stephaniae L.A.González & Poveda Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia steyermarkii Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia striata Rusby Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia strigillosa Hemsl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia subauriculata Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia sylvatica K. Schum. Unresolved L TRO
Hoffmannia tenuis Standl. Accepted M TRO
Hoffmannia terepaimensis Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia teruae L.O.Williams & Molina Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia tetrastigma Donn.Sm. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia tonduzii Standl. Synonym H WCSP
Hoffmannia trichocalyx Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia triosteoides Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia triosteoides subsp. costensis (Standl. & Steyerm.) Steyerm. Accepted L WCSP
Hoffmannia tubiflora Griseb. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia tuerckheimii Donn.Sm. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia tuerckheimii var. glabra Standl. & Steyerm. Synonym L WCSP
Hoffmannia uniflora Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia valerii Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia verticillata (Ruiz & Pav.) Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia vesiculifera Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia villosula Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia viridis Rusby Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia vulcanicola Standl. & Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia williamsii Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia wilsonii Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia witheringioides Dwyer Accepted H WCSP
Hoffmannia woodsonii Standl. Synonym H WCSP
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