The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

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No plant names match your search for Forsstroemia yezoana; we will try Forsstroemia instead.

61 plant name records match your search criteria Forsstroemia. The results are below.

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See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

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Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Forsstroemia australis (Müll. Hal.) Paris Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia borgenii (Renauld & Cardot) Paris Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia canariensis (Renauld & Cardot) Enroth Accepted M TRO
Forsstroemia cordata Dixon Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia coronata (Mont.) Paris Accepted L TRO
Forsstroemia cryphaeoides Cardot Accepted M TRO
Forsstroemia cryphaeopsis Dixon Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia cuspidata (Müll. Hal.) Broth. Accepted L TRO
Forsstroemia dendroidea Toyama Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia dendroides Dixon Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia dixonii Tosco & Piovano Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia felipponei Thér. Synonym L TRO
Forsstroemia filiformis M.X. Zhang Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia flagellacea (Müll. Hal.) Paris Accepted M TRO
Forsstroemia floridana (Lindb.) Kindb. Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia fruticella (Mitt.) Paris Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia geniculata (Mitt.) Paris Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia immersa (Sull. & Lesq.) Kindb. Accepted M TRO
Forsstroemia inclusa Cardot & Dixon Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia incrassata (Broth.) Paris Accepted M TRO
Forsstroemia indica (Mont.) Paris Accepted M TRO
Forsstroemia japonica (Besch.) Paris Accepted M TRO
Forsstroemia julacea (Müll. Hal.) Paris Synonym L TRO
Forsstroemia kusnezovii Broth. Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia lasioides (Müll. Hal.) Nog. Accepted M TRO
Forsstroemia leptodontoidea W.R. Buck Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia mandschurica Broth. Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia mexicana Cardot Unresolved L TRO
Forsstroemia mittenii (Broth.) Broth. & Paris Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia neckeroides Broth. Accepted M TRO
Forsstroemia nitida Lindb. Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia noguchii L. R. Stark Unresolved L TRO
Forsstroemia occulta (Besch.) Paris Accepted M TRO
Forsstroemia ohioensis (Sull.) Lindb. Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia paraguensis (Besch.) Paris Synonym L TRO
Forsstroemia producta (Hornsch.) Paris Accepted M TRO
Forsstroemia pycnothallodes (Müll. Hal.) Paris Synonym L TRO
Forsstroemia ravenelii (Austin) Kindb. Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia recurvimarginata Nog. Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia recurvimarginata f. filiformis Nog. Synonym L TRO
Forsstroemia rigida Dixon Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia robusta Horik. & Nog. Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia schensiana Broth. Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia schimperi Paris Unresolved L TRO
Forsstroemia secunda Dixon & Badhw. Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia sinensis (Besch.) Paris Synonym M TRO
Forsstroemia sinensis var. minor Broth. Synonym L TRO
Forsstroemia stricta Lazarenko Unresolved L TRO
Forsstroemia subcoronata (Besch.) Paris Accepted M TRO
Forsstroemia subcoronata var. patens (Besch.) Paris Accepted L TRO
Forsstroemia subproducta (Müll. Hal.) Broth. Accepted M TRO
Forsstroemia thomsonii (Mitt.) W.R. Buck Accepted M TRO
Forsstroemia trichomitria (Hedw.) Lindb. Accepted M TRO
Forsstroemia trichomitria subsp. australis (Müll. Hal.) L. R. Stark Accepted L TRO
Forsstroemia trichomitria var. floridana (Lindb.) H.A. Crum, Steere & L.E. Anderson Accepted L TRO
Forsstroemia trichomitria var. immersa (Sull. & Lesq.) Lindb. Synonym L TRO
Forsstroemia trichomitria var. irrigua (Renauld) Paris Synonym L TRO
Forsstroemia trichomitria subsp. trichomitria Accepted L TRO
Forsstroemia trichonomitria Lindb. ex Paris Unresolved L TRO
Forsstroemia tripinnata (Dixon) Nog. Accepted M TRO
Forsstroemia ulei (Müll. Hal.) Broth. Accepted M TRO
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