The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded.

You should refer instead to the current version of The Plant List.


No plant names match your search for Thamniopsis standleyi; we will try Thamniopsis instead.

22 plant name records match your search criteria Thamniopsis. The results are below.

The results can also be downloaded as a CSV file.

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Sort the name records using the clickable table header buttons.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Thamniopsis cheiloneura (Müll. Hal. ex Broth.) W.R. Buck Accepted M TRO
Thamniopsis cruegeriana (Müll. Hal.) W.R. Buck Accepted M TRO
Thamniopsis diffusa (Wilson ex Mitt.) W.R. Buck Accepted M TRO
Thamniopsis diversifolia (Renauld & Cardot) Vaz-Imbassahy & D. P. Costa Accepted M TRO
Thamniopsis exigua (Mitt.) Vaz-Imbassahy & D. P. Costa Accepted M TRO
Thamniopsis incurva (Hornsch.) W.R. Buck Accepted M TRO
Thamniopsis killipii (R.S. Williams) E.B. Bartram Accepted M TRO
Thamniopsis langsdorffii (Hook.) W.R. Buck Accepted M TRO
Thamniopsis lepidopiloides (Herzog) S.P. Churchill Accepted M TRO
Thamniopsis papillosula (Broth. & P. de la Varde) Vaz-Imbassahy & D. P. Costa Accepted M TRO
Thamniopsis pappeana (Hampe) W.R. Buck Accepted M TRO
Thamniopsis pendula (Hook.) M. Fleisch. Accepted M TRO
Thamniopsis ptari-tepuiensis (E.B. Bartram) Vaz-Imbassahy & D. P. Costa Accepted M TRO
Thamniopsis purpureophylla (Müll. Hal. ex E. Britton) W.R. Buck Accepted M TRO
Thamniopsis rostrifolia Müll. Hal. Unresolved L TRO
Thamniopsis secunda (Griff.) W.R. Buck Accepted M TRO
Thamniopsis sinuata (Mitt.) W.R. Buck Accepted M TRO
Thamniopsis stenodictyon (Sehnem) Oliveira-e-Silva & O. Yano Accepted M TRO
Thamniopsis terrestris (Mitt.) W.R. Buck Accepted M TRO
Thamniopsis undata (Hedw.) W.R. Buck Accepted M TRO
Thamniopsis utacamundiana (Mont.) W.R. Buck Accepted M TRO
Thamniopsis versicolor (Mitt.) W.R. Buck Accepted M TRO
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