The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded.

You should refer instead to the current version of The Plant List.


No plant names match your search for Cicer uludereensis; we will try Cicer instead.

103 plant name records match your search criteria Cicer. The results are below.

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See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

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Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Cicer acanthophyllum Boriss. Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer adonis Nyman Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer alaicum Kuschak. ex O.Fedtsch. & B.Fedtsch. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Cicer album hort. Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer anatolicum Alef. Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer arientinium L. [Spelling variant] Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer arientinum L. [Spelling variant] Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer arietinum L. Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer atlanticum Maire Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer balcaricum Galushko Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer baldshuanicum (Popov) Lincz. Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer bijugum Rech.f. Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer canariense A.Santos & G.P.Lewis Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer caucasicum Bornm. Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer chorassanicum (Bunge) Popov Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer chorassanicum Popow Unresolved L TRO
Cicer cuneatum A.Rich. Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer echinospermum P.H.Davis Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer edessanum Bornm. Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer ervoides Brign. Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer ervoides (Sieber) Fenzl Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer ervoides Brignoli di Brunhoff Synonym M TRO
Cicer fedtschenkoi Lincz. Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer flexuosum Lipsky Accepted L ILDIS
Cicer flexuosum subsp. baldshuanicum Popov Synonym L ILDIS
Cicer flexuosum subsp. grande Popov Synonym L ILDIS
Cicer flexuosum var. mogoltavicum Popov Synonym L ILDIS
Cicer flexuosum subsp. mogoltavicum (Popov) Popov Synonym L ILDIS
Cicer flexuosum subsp. robustum (Popov) Popov Accepted L TRO
Cicer flexuosum var. robustum Popov Synonym L TRO
Cicer floribundum Fenzl Accepted L ILDIS
Cicer garanicum Boriss. Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer glutinosum Alef. Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer graecum Boiss. Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer grande (Popov) Korotkova Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer grossum Salisb. Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer heterophyllum Contand. & al. Accepted L ILDIS
Cicer incanum Korotkova Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer incisum (Willd.) K.Maly Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer incisum (Willd.) Maly Unresolved L TRO
Cicer incisum var. libanoticum (Boiss.) Bornm. Synonym L ILDIS
Cicer isauricum P.H.Davis Accepted L ILDIS
Cicer jacquemontii Jaub. & Spach Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer jacquemontii sensu auct. Misapplied H ILDIS
Cicer judaicum Boiss. Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer kermanense Bornm. Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer kopetdaghense Lincz. Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer korshinskyi Lincz. Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer laetum Rassulova & Sharipova Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer lens (L.) Willd. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Cicer longearistatum Rech.f. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Cicer luteum Rassulova & Sharipova Accepted L ILDIS
Cicer macracanthum Popov Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer maroccanum Popov Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer microphyllum Benth. Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer microphyllum sensu auct. Misapplied H ILDIS
Cicer minutum Boiss. & Hohen. Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer mogoltavicum (Popov) A.S.Korol. Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer montbretii Jaub. & Spach Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer multijugum Maesen Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer multijugum Rassulova & Sharipova Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer nigrum hort. Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer nummularifolium Lam. Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer numulariifolium Lam. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Cicer nuristanicum Kitam. Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer oxyodon Boiss. & Hohen. Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer paucijugum (Popov) Nevski Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer physodes Rchb. Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer pimpinellifolium Jaub. & Spach Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer pimpinellifolium subsp. minutum (Boiss. & Hohen.) Ponert Synonym L ILDIS
Cicer pinnatifidum Jaub. & Spach Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer popovii Nevski Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer punctatum Steud. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Cicer punctulatum Ser. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Cicer pungens Boiss. Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer pungens var. horridum Popov Synonym L ILDIS
Cicer rassulovae Lincz. Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer rassuloviae Lincz. [Spelling variant] Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer rechingeri Podlech Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer reticulatum Ladiz. Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer rotundum Alef. Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer sativum Schkuhr Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer sintenisii Bornm. Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer soloniense Schrank ex G.Don Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Cicer songaricum DC. Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer songaricum (uct. non (DC.) Bunge Misapplied H ILDIS
Cicer songaricum sensu Jaub. & Spach Misapplied H ILDIS
Cicer songaricum var. pamiricum Paulsen Synonym L ILDIS
Cicer songaricum var. paucijugum Popov Synonym L ILDIS
Cicer songaricum var. schugnanicum Popov Synonym L ILDIS
Cicer songaricum var. spinosum Aitch. Synonym L ILDIS
Cicer songoricum DC. [Spelling variant] Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer soongaricum DC. [Spelling variant] Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer spinosum Popov Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer spiroceras Jaub. & Spach Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer stapfianum Rech.f. Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer straussii Bornm. Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer subaphyllum Boiss. Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer tragacanthoides Jaub. & Spach Accepted H ILDIS
Cicer tragacanthoides var. turcomanicum Popov Synonym L ILDIS
Cicer trifoliatum Bornm. Synonym H ILDIS
Cicer trifoliolatum Bornm. Unresolved L WCSP (in review)
Cicer yamashitae Kitam. Accepted H ILDIS
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