The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded.

This name is in version 1.1 of The Plant List, record kew-342519, with some changes.

L Oldenlandia tenelliflora var. tenelliflora is an accepted name

This name is the accepted name of an infraspecific taxon in the genus Oldenlandia (family Rubiaceae).

The record derives from WCSP which reports it as an accepted name (record 342519) with original publication details: Unknown .


See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

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Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Bigelovia kleinii Wight & Arn. Synonym H WCSP
Bigelovia lasiocarpa Wight & Arn. Synonym H WCSP
Bigelovia mitracarpoides Miq. Synonym H WCSP
Bigelovia myriantha Miq. Synonym H WCSP
Bigelovia roxburghiana Wight & Arn. Synonym H WCSP
Bigelovia striata Span. Synonym H WCSP
Bigelovia stricta (L.f.) Blume Synonym H WCSP
Borreria stricta (L.f.) K.Schum. Synonym H WCSP
Borreria stricta (L. f.) DC. Synonym M TRO
Hedyotis kerrii (Craib) Craib Synonym H WCSP
Oldenlandia tenelliflora var. kerrii Craib Synonym L WCSP
Scleromitrion sinense Miq. Synonym H WCSP
Scleromitrion tetraquetrum Miq. Synonym H WCSP
Scleromitrion tetraquetrum var. tenella Miq. Synonym L WCSP
Spermacoce flagellaris Willd. ex Roem. & Schult. Synonym H WCSP
Spermacoce macrophylla Hassk. Synonym H WCSP
Spermacoce muriculata DC. Synonym H WCSP
Spermacoce stricta L.f. Synonym H WCSP
Spermacoce stricta var. latifolia DC. Synonym L WCSP
Spermacoce tubularis R.Br. ex Wall. [Invalid] Synonym H WCSP
Tardavel stricta (L.f.) Hiern Synonym H WCSP
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