The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded.

You should refer instead to the current version of The Plant List.


The genus Cyathea is in the family Cyatheaceae in the major group Pteridophytes (Ferns and fern allies).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Cyathea

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Sort the name records using the clickable table header buttons.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Cyathea acrostichoides (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea acutidens (H. Christ) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea acutula (R.M. Tryon) Janssen & Rakotondr. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea aeneifolia (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea affinis (G. Forst.) Sw. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea alata (E. Fourn.) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea allocota (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea alsophila (Link) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea alsophiliformis (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea alticola (Tardieu) Tindale Accepted M TRO
Cyathea alutacea (Kunze) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea amaiambitensis (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea amazonica (Linden) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea amboinensis (Alderw.) Merr. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea andina (H. Karst.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea andohahelensis (Tardieu) Tindale Accepted M TRO
Cyathea angiensis (A. Gepp) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea annae (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea apiculata (Rosenst.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea appendiculata Baker Accepted M TRO
Cyathea approximata Bonap. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea aquilina (H. Christ) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea assurgens R.M. Tryon Accepted M TRO
Cyathea atahuallpa (R.M. Tryon) Lellinger Accepted M TRO
Cyathea aterrima (Hook.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea atrovirens (Langsd. & Fisch.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea auriculata Tardieu Accepted M TRO
Cyathea austrosinica H. Christ Accepted M TRO
Cyathea axillaris (Fée) Lellinger Accepted M TRO
Cyathea baileyana (Domin) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea barisanica (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea barringtonii A.R. Sm. ex Lellinger Accepted M TRO
Cyathea batjanensis (H. Christ) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea benculensis (Alderw.) Alderw. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea bicrenata Liebm. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea bipinnata (R.M. Tryon) R.C. Moran Accepted M TRO
Cyathea bipinnatifida (Baker) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea boivinii Mett. ex Kuhn Accepted M TRO
Cyathea borbonica Desv. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea bradei (P.G. Windisch) Lellinger Accepted M TRO
Cyathea brevifoliolata (Alderw.) Alderw. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea brunnea (Brause) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea brunnescens (Barrington) R.C. Moran Accepted M TRO
Cyathea brunonis (J. Sm. ex Hook.) Hook. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea bryophila (R.M. Tryon) Proctor Accepted M TRO
Cyathea bullata (Baker) Rakotondr. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea burbidgei (Baker) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea buruensis (Rosenst.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea calocoma (H. Christ) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea calolepis (Hook.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea camerooniana Hook. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea capensis Sm. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea caracasana (Klotzsch) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea caudata (Hook.) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea caudiculata (Rosenst.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea caudipinnula (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea chinensis Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea clementis (Copel.) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea colensoi (Hook. f.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea concava Bonap. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea concordia B. León & R.C. Moran Accepted M TRO
Cyathea confluens (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea conformis (R.M. Tryon) Stolze Accepted M TRO
Cyathea conjugata (Spruce ex Hook.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea consimilis (Stolze) Lehnert Accepted M TRO
Cyathea contaminans (Wall. ex Hook.) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea corallifera Sodiro Accepted M TRO
Cyathea corcovadensis (Raddi) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea costaricensis (Mett. ex Kuhn) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea costularis Bonap. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea coursii (Tardieu) Rakotondr. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea cyatheoides (Desv.) K.U. Kramer Accepted M TRO
Cyathea cyclodium (R.M. Tryon) Lellinger Accepted M TRO
Cyathea cyclodonta (H. Christ) Alderw. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea darienensis R.C. Moran Accepted M TRO
Cyathea decomposita (Karsten) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea decorata (Maxon) R.M. Tryon Accepted M TRO
Cyathea decrescens Mett. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea decurrens (Hook.) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea delgadii Sternb. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea demissa (C.V. Morton) A.R. Sm. ex Lellinger Accepted M TRO
Cyathea dichromatolepis (Fée) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea dimorpha (H. Christ) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea dissimilis (C.V. Morton) Stolze Accepted M TRO
Cyathea dissitifolia (Baker) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea divergens Kunze Accepted M TRO
Cyathea dombeyi (Desv.) Lellinger Accepted M TRO
Cyathea dregei Kunze Accepted M TRO
Cyathea dudleyi R.M. Tryon Accepted M TRO
Cyathea ebenina H. Karst. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea elmeri (Copel.) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea falcata (Kuhn) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea fallax (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea fenicis Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea frigida (H. Karst.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea fuliginosa (H. Christ) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea fulva (M. Martens & Galeotti) Fée Accepted M TRO
Cyathea gibbosa (Klotzsch) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea gigantea (Wall. ex Hook.) Holttum Accepted M TRO
Cyathea glabra (Blume) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea glabrescens (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea glaucophylla (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea godmanii (Hook.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea gracilis Griseb. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea gregaria (Brause) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea hainanensis Ching in Ching & C. H. Wang Accepted M TRO
Cyathea hancockii Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea haughtii (Maxon) R.M. Tryon Accepted M TRO
Cyathea heliophila R.M. Tryon Accepted M TRO
Cyathea hemiepiphytica R.C. Moran Accepted M TRO
Cyathea heteromorpha (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea heterophylla (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea hirsuta C. Presl Accepted M TRO
Cyathea holdridgeana Nisman & L.D. Gómez Accepted M TRO
Cyathea horridipes (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea humbertiana (C. Chr.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea impar R.M. Tryon Accepted M TRO
Cyathea indrapurae (Alderw.) Alderw. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea intermedia (Mett.) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea intramarginalis (P.G. Windisch) Lellinger Accepted M TRO
Cyathea ivohibensis (C. Chr.) Janssen & Rakotondr. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea janseniana (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea junghuhniana (Kunze) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea kalbreyeri (Baker) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea kenepaiana (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea lasiosora Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea lastreoides (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea latebrosa (Wall. ex Hook.) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea latevagans (Baker) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea lechleri Mett. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea lepidoclada (H. Christ) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea lepifera (J. Sm. ex Hook.) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea leptochlamys Baker Accepted M TRO
Cyathea leptolepia (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea leucolepismata Alston Accepted M TRO
Cyathea × lewisii (C.V. Morton & Proctor) Proctor Accepted M TRO
Cyathea liesneri A.R. Sm. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea ligulata Baker Accepted M TRO
Cyathea lindigii (Baker) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea lockwoodiana (P.G. Windisch) Lellinger Accepted M TRO
Cyathea loheri H. Christ Accepted M TRO
Cyathea longipinnata Bonap. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea lunulata (G. Forst.) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea lurida (Blume) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea macgillivrayi (Baker) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea macrocarpa (C. Presl) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea macrosora (Baker ex Thurn) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea madagascarica Bonap. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea manilensis (C. Presl) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea manniana Hook. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea marattioides Willd. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea margarethae (H.E. Schroet. ex H. Christ) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea marginalis (Klotzsch) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea marginata (Brause) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea melanocaula Desv. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea melleri (Baker) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea merapiensis (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea mertensiana (Kunze) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea metteniana (Hance) C. Chr. & Tardieu Accepted M TRO
Cyathea microdonta (Desv.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea mildbraedii (Brause) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea modesta (Baker) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea mucilagina R.C. Moran Accepted M TRO
Cyathea multiflora Sm. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea myosuroides (Liebm.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea nanna (Barrington) Lellinger Accepted M TRO
Cyathea naumannii (Kuhn) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea neblinae A.R. Sm. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea nesiotica (Maxon) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea nigrescens (Hook.) J. Sm. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea nigripes (C. Chr.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea nodulifera R.C. Moran Accepted M TRO
Cyathea notabilis Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea obscura (Scort. ex Bedd.) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea okiana (Alderw.) Alderw. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea olivacea (Brause) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea orientalis (Kunze) Moore Accepted M TRO
Cyathea orthogonalis Bonap. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea palaciosii R.C. Moran Accepted M TRO
Cyathea palembanica (Alderw.) Alderw. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea pallescens (Sodiro) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea paraphysophora (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea parianensis (P.G. Windisch) Lellinger Accepted M TRO
Cyathea parvifolia Sodiro Accepted M TRO
Cyathea parvula (Jenman) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea pauciflora (Kuhn) Lellinger Accepted M TRO
Cyathea peladensis (Hieron.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea perpunctulata (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea perrieriana C. Chr. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea persquamulata (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea persquamulifera (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea petiolata (Hook.) R.M. Tryon Accepted M TRO
Cyathea phalaenolepis (C. Chr.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea phalerata Mart. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea pilosissima (Baker) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea pinnula (H. Christ) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea platylepis (Hook.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea podophylla (Hook.) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea poeppigii (Hook.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea poolii (C. Chr.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea povedae A. Rojas Accepted M TRO
Cyathea praeceps A.R. Sm. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea pseudogigantea Ching & S.H. Wu Accepted M TRO
Cyathea pseudonanna (L.D. Gómez) Lellinger Accepted M TRO
Cyathea punctulata (Alderw.) Alderw. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea pungens (Willd.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea pustulosa (H. Christ) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea rebeccae (F. Muell.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea recurvata (Brause) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea reducta (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea reginae (P.G. Windisch) A.R. Sm. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea remotifolia Bonap. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea retanae A. Rojas Accepted M TRO
Cyathea ridleyi (Baker) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea robertsiana (F. Muell.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea rubiginosa (Brause) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea rudimentaris (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea rufa (Fée) Lellinger Accepted M TRO
Cyathea ruiziana Klotzsch Accepted M TRO
Cyathea rumphiana (Alderw.) Merr. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea salticola (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea sangirensis (H. Christ) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea saparuensis (Alderw.) Alderw. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea scaberula (H. Christ) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea scaberulipes (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea scandens (Brause) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea schiedeana (C. Presl) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea schlimii (Kuhn) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea senilis (Klotzsch) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea serratifolia Baker Accepted M TRO
Cyathea × sessilifolia (Jenman) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea sherringii (Jenman) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea similis C. Chr. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea simplex R.M. Tryon Accepted M TRO
Cyathea simulans (Baker) Janssen & Rakotondr. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea singalanensis (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea sipapoensis (R.M. Tryon) Lellinger Accepted M TRO
Cyathea speciosa Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea spinifera (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea spinulosa Wall. ex Hook. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea squamata (Klotzsch) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea squamipes H. Karst. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea squamulata (Blume) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea squamulosa (I. Losch) R.C. Moran Accepted M TRO
Cyathea squarrosa (Rosenst.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea steyermarkii R.M. Tryon Accepted M TRO
Cyathea stolzei A.R. Sm. ex Lellinger Accepted M TRO
Cyathea straminea (A. Gepp) Alderw. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea subcomosa (C. Chr.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea subconfluens (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea subdubia (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea subincisa (Kunze) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea subobscura (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea subulata (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea suprastrigosa (H. Christ) Maxon Accepted M TRO
Cyathea surinamensis (Miq.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea tenera (Hook.) T. Moore Accepted M TRO
Cyathea tenggerensis (Rosenst.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea thysanolepis (Barrington) A.R. Sm. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea tomentosa (Blume) Zoll. & Moritzi Accepted M TRO
Cyathea tonglonensis (Alderw.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea tortuosa R.C. Moran Accepted M TRO
Cyathea traillii (Baker) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea trichiata (Maxon) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea trichodesma (Scort.) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea tryonorum (Riba) Lellinger Accepted M TRO
Cyathea tsaratananensis C. Chr. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea tsilotsilensis Tardieu Accepted M TRO
Cyathea uleana (Samp.) Lehnert Accepted M TRO
Cyathea ulei (H. Christ) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea ursina (Maxon) Lellinger Accepted M TRO
Cyathea valdecrenata Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea venezuelensis A.R. Sm. ex Lellinger Accepted M TRO
Cyathea viguieri Tardieu Accepted M TRO
Cyathea villosa Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea vitiensis (Carruth.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea wallacei (Mett.) Copel. Accepted M TRO
Cyathea weatherbyana (C.V. Morton) C.V. Morton Accepted M TRO
Cyathea wendlandii (Mett. ex Kuhn) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea wengiensis (Brause) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea werffii R.C. Moran Accepted M TRO
Cyathea williamsii (Maxon) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea × wilsonii (Hook.) Domin Accepted M TRO
Cyathea xantholepis (H. Christ ex Diels) Domin Accepted M TRO
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The Plant List includes 1,212 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Cyathea. Of these 284 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 49 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Cyathea. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 1,212 species names for the genus Cyathea recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Status Total
Accepted 284 23.4%
Synonym 282 23.3%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 646 53.3%

All names

The status of the 1,261 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Cyathea recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Status Total
Accepted 298 23.6%
Synonym 313 24.8%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 650 51.5%

The confidence with which the status of the 1,212 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Cyathea, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 0 0 0 0 0 0%
Medium confidence 284 282 0 0 566 46.7%
Low confidence 0 0 0 646 646 53.3%

The source of the species name record found in The Plant List for the genus Cyathea, are as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
IPNI 0 0 0 303 0 303 25.0%
Tropicos 284 282 0 343 0 909 75.0%