The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded.

You should refer instead to the current version of The Plant List.


The genus Cololejeunea is in the family Lejeuneaceae in the major group Bryophytes (Mosses and liverworts).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Cololejeunea

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Sort the name records using the clickable table header buttons.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Cololejeunea adhaesiva (Mitt.) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea africana (Stephani) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea angulata (Stephani) Mizut. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea angustiflora (Stephani) Mizut. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea angustiloba (Horik.) Mizut. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea apiahyna (Stephani) O. Yano Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea apiculata (E.W. Jones) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea appressa (A. Evans) Benedix Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea auriculata (E.W. Jones) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea autoica (Stephani) Grolle Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea balansae (Stephani) Mizut. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea biddlecomiae (Austin ex Pearson) A. Evans Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea bidentula (Stephani) E.W. Jones Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea bolombensis (Stephani) Vanden Berghen Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea calcarea (Lib.) Stephani Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea caledonica (Gottsche) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea cardiocarpa (Mont.) Stephani Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea casuarinae (Stephani) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea ceatocarpa (Ångström) Stephani Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea ciliatilobula (Schiffner) Schiffner Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea cingens (Herzog) Pócs & Bernecker Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea comptonii (Pearson) H.A. Mill. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea conchaefolia (Gottsche) Gradst. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea cordifolia (Stephani) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea cornutissima (R.M. Schust.) Pócs Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea costaricensis (Bernecker-Lucking) Bernecker & Pócs Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea crenata (A. Evans) Pócs Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea crenulata (Pearson) H.A. Mill. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea cristata (Stephani) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea cuneata (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Herzog Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea cuspidata (Gottsche) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea decemplicata (Stephani) Tixier Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea dentata (E.W. Jones) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea dentilobula (Stephani) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea dilatata (Stephani) Mizut. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea distalopapillata (E.W. Jones) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea dolichostyla (Herzog) Benedix ex J.J. Engel & B.C. Tan Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea drepanolejeuneioides (Horik.) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea elegans Stephani Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea ensifolia (Spruce) Herzog Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea ephemeroides (R.M. Schust.) Stotler & Crand.-Stot. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea erostrata (Herzog) Bernecker & Pócs Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea estipulata (Gottsche ex Stephani) Tixier Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea falcata (Horik.) Benedix Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea filicis (Herzog) Piippo Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea flavicans (Stephani) Mizut. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea furcilobulata (Berrie & E.W. Jones) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea fusca (Stephani) Mizut. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea gemmifera (P.C. Chen) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea goebelii (Gottsche ex K.I. Goebel) Schiffner Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea gottschei (Stephani) Mizut. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea gracilis (Jovet-Ast) Pocs Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea grossepapillosa (Horik.) Pócs Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea grossidens (Stephani) E.W. Jones Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea handelii (Herzog) S. Hatt. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea hasskarliana (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Stephani Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea hildebrandii (Austin) Stephani Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea hirta (Stephani) S. Hatt. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea horikawana (S. Hatt.) Mizut. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea hyalinomarginata (Nees & Mont.) Grolle Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea inflectens (Mitt.) Benedix Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea inuena (Stephani) S. Hatt. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea iwatsukiana (Pócs) Pócs Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea japonica (Schiffner) Mizut. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea javanica (Stephani) Mizut. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea johannis-winkleri (Herzog) R.L. Zhu Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea jovetastiana (Pócs) Pócs Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea karstenii (Stephani) Benedix Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea koponenii (Pócs) Pócs Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea laevigata (Mitt.) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea latilobula (Herzog) Tixier Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea leloutrei (E.W. Jones) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea leptolejeuneoides (Schiffner) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea lhotzkiana (Hampe) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea lisowskii (Pócs) Pócs Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea longifolia (Mitt.) Benedix Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea longilobula (Horik.) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea macounii (Spruce ex Underw.) A. Evans Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea madothecoides (Stephani) Benedix Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea magna (Tixier) Infante & Heras Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea magnipapillosa (Kamim.) P.C. Chen & P.C. Wu Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea magnistyla (Horik.) Mizut. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea mamillata (Ångström) E.A. Hodgs. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea manaosensis (Herzog) O. Yano Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea marginata (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Schiffner Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea metzgeriopsis (K.I. Goebel) Gradst. et al. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea micro-androecia (Spruce) Schiffner ex Mizut. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea microlejeuneoides (Horik.) S. Hatt. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea minutilobula (Horik.) H.A. Mill. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea moralesiae (Bernecker-Lucking) Bernecker & Pócs Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea morobensis (Pócs) Pócs Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea mouensis (Tixier) H.A. Mill. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea myriantha (Herzog) S.W. Arnell Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea nigerica (E.W. Jones) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea nipponica (Horik.) S. Hatt. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea norrisii (Pócs) Pócs Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea nymanii (Stephani) Benedix Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea obcordata (Austin) Tixier Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea obliqua (Nees & Mont.) Schiffner Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea oblongiperianthia (P.C. Wu & J.X. Luo) Piippo Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea obtusifolia (E.W. Jones) Tixier Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea occidentalis (E.W. Jones) Vanden Berghen Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea ocellata (Horik.) Benedix Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea ocelloides (Horik.) Mizut. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea orbiculata (Herzog) S. Hatt. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea oshimensis (Horik.) Benedix Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea paniensis (Tixier) Grolle Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea paucifolia (Spruce) Bernecker & Pócs Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea planifolia (A. Evans) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea platyneura (Spruce) A. Evans Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea polillensis (Stephani) Mizut. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea polyantha (Stephani) H.A. Mill. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea producta (Mitt.) S. Hatt. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea pseudofloccosa (Horik.) Benedix Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea pseudolatilobula (P.C. Chen & P.C. Wu) But & Gao Cai-hua Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea pulchella (Mitt.) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea punctata (E.W. Jones) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea quadridentata (S. Hatt.) Grolle Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea retusula (Mitt.) H.A. Mill. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea rossettiana (C. Massal.) Schiffner Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea runssorensis (Stephani) Pocs Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea rupicola (Stephani) S. Hatt. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea savesiana (Stephani) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea serrata (Stephani) Benedix Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea shibatae (S. Hatt.) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea shikokiana (Horik.) S. Hatt. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea siamensis (Stephani) Mizut. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea sicaefolia (Gottsche) Pócs & Bernecker Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea spathulifolia (Stephani) H.A. Mill. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea subciliata (Mitt.) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea subsphaeroidea (R.M. Schust.) Pocs Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea teotonii (V. Allorge & Jovet-Ast) Grolle Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea thiersiae (Pócs) Pócs Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea tonkinensis Stephani Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea triapiculata (Herzog) Tixier Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea trichomanis (Gottsche) Stephani Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea truncatifolia (Horik.) Mizut. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea turbinifera (Spruce) Leon-Yanez, Gradst. & Wegner Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea verdoornii (Herzog) Tixier Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea verrucosa (Jovet-Ast) Pocs Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea vesicaria (Sande Lac.) Benedix Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea vitiensis (E.O. Campb.) H.A. Mill. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea wattsiana (Stephani) R.M. Schust. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea xaveri (Stephani) E.W. Jones Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea yakusimensis (S. Hatt.) Mizut. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea yoshinagana (S. Hatt.) Mizut. Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea yulensis (Stephani) Benedix Accepted M TRO
Cololejeunea zenkeri (Stephani) E.W. Jones Accepted M TRO
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The Plant List includes 468 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Cololejeunea. Of these 148 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 14 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Cololejeunea. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 468 species names for the genus Cololejeunea recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Status Total
Accepted 148 31.6%
Synonym 61 13.0%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 259 55.3%

All names

The status of the 482 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Cololejeunea recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Status Total
Accepted 154 32.0%
Synonym 66 13.7%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 262 54.4%

The confidence with which the status of the 468 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Cololejeunea, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 0 0 0 0 0 0%
Medium confidence 148 61 0 0 209 44.7%
Low confidence 0 0 0 259 259 55.3%

The source of the species name record found in The Plant List for the genus Cololejeunea, are as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
Tropicos 148 61 0 259 0 468 100%