The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded.

You should refer instead to the current version of The Plant List.


The genus Mittenothamnium is in the family Hypnaceae in the major group Bryophytes (Mosses and liverworts).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Mittenothamnium

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Sort the name records using the clickable table header buttons.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Mittenothamnium aptychella (Broth.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium atroviride (Besch.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium aureum (Besch.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium bescherellei (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium brachythecioides (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium brevicuspis (P. de la Varde) Wijk & Margad. Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium burelae (Herzog) F.J. Herm. Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium camptorrhynchum Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium caudiforme (Müll. Hal.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium circinatum (Herzog) Ochyra Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium ctenidioides (Dixon) Schelpe Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium cygnicollum (Dixon) Wijk & Margad. Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium decurrens (Herzog) Wijk & Margad. Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium delicatulum (Broth.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium divaricatissimum (Müll. Hal.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium ekmanii (Thér.) H.A. Crum & Steere Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium elegantulum (Hook.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium eurystomum (Besch.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium evrardii (Thér.) B.C. Tan & Z. Iwats. Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium expallescens (Hampe) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium fruticellum (Mitt.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium glaucissimum (Besch. ex Geh.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium hookerioides (Herzog) F.J. Herm. Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium horridulum (Broth.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium humile (Besch.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium hylophilum (Müll. Hal.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium incompletum (M. Fleisch.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium iporanganum (Besch. & Geh.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium isopterygioides (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium jamesonii (Taylor) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium lacouterei (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium langsdorffii (Hook.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium laxulum (E.B. Bartram) F.D. Bowers Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium lehmannii (Besch.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium leptoreptans (Broth.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium limosum (Besch.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium longoreptans (Müll. Hal.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium loriforme (Hampe) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium macroblepharum (Besch.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium macrodontium (Hornsch.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium madagassum (Besch.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium mauryanum (Besch.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium megapelmatum (Müll. Hal.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium mexicanum (Besch.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium microthamnioides (Müll. Hal.) Wijk & Margad. Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium micrurum (Müll. Hal.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium modestum (Herzog) Wijk & Margad. Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium mucidum (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium mycostelium (Hampe) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium nano-operculatum (Thér.) W. Schultze-Motel Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium nanopolymorphum (Müll. Hal.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium oxyrrhynchioides (Broth.) Steere Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium pachythecium (Hampe) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium patens (Hampe) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium pelichucense (R.S. Williams) Ochyra Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium pendulinum (Hampe) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium perrieri (Thér.) W. Schultze-Motel Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium planosquarrosum (Broth.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium plinthophilum (Müll. Hal.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium plumosum (Herzog) Wijk & Margad. Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium pseudoelegans (Müll. Hal.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium pseudoreptans (Müll. Hal.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium puiggarii (Geh. & Hampe) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium reduncum (Schimp. ex Mitt.) Ochyra Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium reptans (Hedw.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium rivulare (Broth.) Steere Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium robinsonii (H.A. Crum) Ochyra Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium robustiusculum (Broth.) Wijk & Margad. Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium rostratulum (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium rostratum (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium saproadelphus (Broth.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium scalpellifolium (Müll. Hal.) H.A. Crum Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium sellovii (Hornsch.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium serratum (A. Jaeger) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium sordidum (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium stuhlmannii (Broth.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium subcampaniforme (Geh. & Hampe) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium subdiminutivum (Geh. & Hampe) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium subelegantulum (Broth.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium submacrodontium (Geh. & Hampe) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium subobscurum (Hampe) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium subpatens (Broth.) Kis Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium subperspicuum (Müll. Hal.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium substriatum (Mitt.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium tamarisciforme (Hampe) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium tamariscifrons (Broth. & Geh.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium tapes (Müll. Hal.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium tequendamense (Herzog) Ochyra Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium trichocladon (Renauld & Cardot) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium trichopelmatum (Müll. Hal.) Cardot Accepted M TRO
Mittenothamnium versipoma (Hampe) Cardot Accepted M TRO
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The Plant List includes 136 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Mittenothamnium. Of these 91 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 9 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Mittenothamnium. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 136 species names for the genus Mittenothamnium recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Status Total
Accepted 91 66.9%
Synonym 30 22.1%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 15 11.0%

All names

The status of the 145 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Mittenothamnium recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Status Total
Accepted 95 65.5%
Synonym 31 21.4%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 19 13.1%

The confidence with which the status of the 136 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Mittenothamnium, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 0 0 0 0 0 0%
Medium confidence 91 30 0 0 121 89.0%
Low confidence 0 0 0 15 15 11.0%

The source of the species name record found in The Plant List for the genus Mittenothamnium, are as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
Tropicos 91 30 0 15 0 136 100%