The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded.

You should refer instead to the current version of The Plant List.


The genus Licania is in the family Chrysobalanaceae in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Licania

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Sort the name records using the clickable table header buttons.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source
Licania adolphoduckei Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania affinis Fritsch Accepted H WCSP
Licania alba (Bernoulli) Cuatrec. Accepted H WCSP
Licania albiflora Fanshawe & Maguire Accepted H WCSP
Licania amapaensis Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania angustata Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania anneae Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania apetala (E.Mey.) Fritsch Accepted H WCSP
Licania apiculata Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania aracaensis Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania arachnoidea Fanshawe & Maguire Accepted H WCSP
Licania araneosa Taub. Accepted H WCSP
Licania arborea Seem. Accepted H WCSP
Licania arianeae Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania bahiensis Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania belemii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania bellingtonii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania belloi Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania blackii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania boliviensis Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania boyanii Tutin Accepted H WCSP
Licania bracteata Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania brittoniana Fritsch Accepted H WCSP
Licania bullata Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania buxifolia Sandwith Accepted H WCSP
Licania cabrerae Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania caldasiana Cuatrec. Accepted H WCSP
Licania calvescens Cuatrec. Accepted H WCSP
Licania canescens Benoist Accepted H WCSP
Licania cardiophylla Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania cariae Cardozo Accepted H WCSP
Licania caudata Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania cecidiophora Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania celiae Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania chiriquiensis Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania chocoensis Cuatrec. Accepted H WCSP
Licania cidii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania compacta Fritsch Accepted H WCSP
Licania conferruminata Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania cordata Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania coriacea Benth. Accepted H WCSP
Licania corniculata Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania costaricensis Standl. & Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP
Licania couepiifolia Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania crassivenia Spruce ex Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Licania cruegeriana Urb. Accepted H WCSP
Licania cuatrecasasii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania cuprea Sandwith Accepted H WCSP
Licania cuspidata (Rusby) Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania cuyabenensis Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania cyathodes Benoist Accepted H WCSP
Licania cymosa Fritsch Accepted H WCSP
Licania davillifolia Benoist Accepted H WCSP
Licania dealbata Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Licania densiflora Kleinh. Accepted H WCSP
Licania diegogomezii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania discolor Pilg. Accepted H WCSP
Licania divaricata Benth. Accepted H WCSP
Licania dodsonii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania durifolia Cuatrec. Accepted H WCSP
Licania egleri Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania elliptica Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Licania emarginata Spruce ex Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Licania espinae Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania fanshawei Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania fasciculata Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania ferreirae Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania filomenoi Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania foldatsii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania foveolata Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania fritschii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania fuchsii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania furfuracea Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania fusicarpa (Kosterm.) Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania gardneri (Hook.f.) Fritsch. Accepted H WCSP
Licania gentryi Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania glabriflora Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania glauca Cuatrec. Accepted H WCSP
Licania glazioviana Warm. Accepted H WCSP
Licania gonzalezii Miranda Accepted H WCSP
Licania gracilipes Taub. Accepted H WCSP
Licania grandibracteata Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania granvillei Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania guatemalensis Lundell Accepted H WCSP
Licania guianensis (Aubl.) Griseb. Accepted H WCSP
Licania habantha Mart. ex Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Licania harlingii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania hedbergii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania heteromorpha Benth. Accepted H WCSP
Licania hirsuta Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania hispida Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania hitchcockii Maguire Accepted H WCSP
Licania hoehnei Pilg. Accepted H WCSP
Licania humilis Cham. & Schltdl. Accepted H WCSP
Licania hypoleuca Benth. Accepted H WCSP
Licania imbaimadaiensis Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania impressa Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania incana Aubl. Accepted H WCSP
Licania indurata Pilg. Accepted H WCSP
Licania intrapetiolaris Spreng. ex Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Licania irwinii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania jaramilloi Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania jefensis Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania jimenezii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania joseramosii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania kallunkiae Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania klugii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania krukovii Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Licania kunthiana Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Licania laevigata Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania lamentanda Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania lanceolata Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania lasseri Maguire Accepted H WCSP
Licania lata J.F.Macbr. Accepted H WCSP
Licania latifolia Benth. ex Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Licania latistipula Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania laxiflora Fritsch Accepted H WCSP
Licania leptostachya Benth. Accepted H WCSP
Licania leucosepala Griseb. Accepted H WCSP
Licania licaniiflora (Sagot) S.F.Blake Accepted H WCSP
Licania littoralis Warm. Accepted H WCSP
Licania longicuspidata Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania longipedicellata Ducke Accepted H WCSP
Licania longipetala Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania longistyla (Hook.f.) Fritsch Accepted H WCSP
Licania macrocarpa Cuatrec. Accepted H WCSP
Licania macrophylla Benth. Accepted H WCSP
Licania maguirei Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania majuscula Sagot Accepted H WCSP
Licania maranhensis Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania maritima Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania marleneae Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania maxima Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania megalophylla Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania membranacea Sagot ex Laness. Accepted H WCSP
Licania mexicana Lundell Accepted H WCSP
Licania michauxii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania micrantha Miq. Accepted H WCSP
Licania microphylla Fanshawe & Maguire Accepted H WCSP
Licania miltonii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania minuscula Cuatrec. Accepted H WCSP
Licania minutiflora (Sagot) Fritsch Accepted H WCSP
Licania mollis Benth. Accepted H WCSP
Licania montana Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania morii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania naviculistipula Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania nelsonii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania niloi Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania nitida Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Licania oblongifolia Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Licania obtusifolia Fritsch Accepted H WCSP
Licania occultans Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania octandra (Hoffmanns. ex Schult.) Kuntze Accepted H WCSP
Licania operculipetala Standl. & L.O.Williams Accepted H WCSP
Licania orbicularis Spruce ex Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Licania ovalifolia Kleinh. Accepted H WCSP
Licania pakaraimensis Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania palawanensis Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania pallida (Hook.f.) Spruce ex Sagot Accepted H WCSP
Licania paraensis Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania parviflora Benth. Accepted H WCSP
Licania parvifolia Huber Accepted H WCSP
Licania parvifructa Fanshawe & Maguire Accepted H WCSP
Licania persaudii Fanshawe & Maguire Accepted H WCSP
Licania piresii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania pittieri Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania platypus (Hemsl.) Fritsch Accepted H WCSP
Licania polita Spruce ex Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Licania prismatocarpa Spruce ex Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Licania pruinosa Benoist Accepted H WCSP
Licania pyrifolia Griseb. Accepted H WCSP
Licania reticulata Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania retifolia S.F.Blake Accepted H WCSP
Licania riedelii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania rigida Benth. Accepted H WCSP
Licania riverae Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania robusta Sagot Accepted H WCSP
Licania rodriguesii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania roraimensis Standl. Accepted H WCSP
Licania rufescens Klotzsch ex Fritsch Accepted H WCSP
Licania salicifolia Cuatrec. Accepted H WCSP
Licania salzmannii (Hook.f.) Fritsch Accepted H WCSP
Licania sandwithii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania santosii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania savannarum Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania sclerophylla (Mart. ex Hook.f.) Fritsch Accepted H WCSP
Licania silvae Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania silvatica Glaz. ex Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania sothersiae Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania sparsipilis S.F.Blake Accepted H WCSP
Licania spicata Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Licania splendens (Korth.) Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania sprucei (Hook.f.) Fritsch. Accepted H WCSP
Licania stevensii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania stewardii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania steyermarkii Maguire Accepted H WCSP
Licania stricta Kleinh. Accepted H WCSP
Licania subarachnophylla Cuatrec. Accepted H WCSP
Licania subrotundata Maguire Accepted H WCSP
Licania tachirensis Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania tambopatensis Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania teixeirae Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania tepuiensis Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania ternatensis Hook.f. ex Duss Accepted H WCSP
Licania tocantina Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania tomentosa (Benth.) Fritsch. Accepted H WCSP
Licania triandra Mart. ex Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Licania trigonioides J.F.Macbr. Accepted H WCSP
Licania turbinata Benth. Accepted H WCSP
Licania undulata Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania unguiculata Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania urceolaris Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP
Licania vasquezii Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania vaupesiana Killip & Cuatrec. Accepted H WCSP
Licania velata Cuatrec. Accepted H WCSP
Licania velutina Prance Accepted H WCSP
Licania veneralensis Cuatrec. Accepted H WCSP
Licania wurdackii Prance Accepted H WCSP
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The Plant List includes 319 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Licania. Of these 218 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 31 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Licania. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 319 species names for the genus Licania recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Status Total
Accepted 218 68.3%
Synonym 92 28.8%
Unplaced 1 0.3%
Unassessed 8 2.5%

All names

The status of the 350 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Licania recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Status Total
Accepted 227 64.9%
Synonym 114 32.6%
Unplaced 1 0.3%
Unassessed 8 2.3%

Of these names,

The confidence with which the status of the 319 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Licania, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 218 88 0 0 306 95.9%
Medium confidence 0 4 0 0 4 1.3%
Low confidence 0 0 1 8 9 2.8%

The source of the species name record found in The Plant List for the genus Licania, are as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
Tropicos 0 4 0 7 0 11 3.4%
WCSP 218 88 1 1 0 308 96.6%