The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1.1 of The Plant List has been superseded and should no longer be used.

The new version is available at The new version is enhanced, using more data sources including Taxonomic Expert Networks and will be more frequently updated.


The genus Geum is in the family Rosaceae in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Geum

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Sort the name records using the clickable table header buttons.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied Infra. rec.
Geum adnatum Wall. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum aequilobatum K.M.Purohit & Panigrahi Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum agrimonioides M.Bieb. ex Spreng. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum albiflorum (Hook.f.) Cheeseman Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum album J.F.Gmel. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18 1
Geum album auct. americ. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum aleppicum Jacq. Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum aleppicum auct. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum alpinum Buchanan Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum alpinum Hornem. ex Fisch. & Trautv. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum ambiguum Schur Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum andicola (Phil.) Reiche Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum anemonoides Willd. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum antarcticum herb. mus. Holmiens ex Scheutz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum aucklandicum Greene Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum aurantiacum Fr. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × aurantiacum Fr. ex Scheutz Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Geum aurantiacum FRIES ex Scheutz Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Geum × balcanum K.Malý Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum besseri Fisch. ex Walp. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × billietii Gillot ex Malinv. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × billietii Gillot Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum boliviense Focke Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × borisii Kellerer ex Sünd. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum brachypetalum Ser. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum brevicarpellatum F.Bolle Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Geum bulgaricum Pančić Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Geum calthifolium Menzies ex Sm. Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum camschaticum Pall. ex Torr. & A.Gray Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum camschaticum Lam. ex Poir. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum camtschaticum auct. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum canadense Murray Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum canadense auct. americ. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum canadense Jacq. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18 1
Geum capense Thunb. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum carolinianum Walter Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum caryophyllatum Pers. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × catlingii J.-P.Bernard & R.Gauthier Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum caucasicum hort. ex C.A.Mey Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × cebennense H.J.Coste & Souli‚ Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum chilense Balb. ex Lindl. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum chiloense Balb. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum ciliata R. Br. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Geum ciliatum Riddell Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum coccineum Sibth. & Sm. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Geum cockaynei (F.Bolle) Molloy & C.J.Webb Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × cultorum Bergmans Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum diversifolium C.A.Mey. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum dryadoides Franch. & Sav. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum dryadoides DC. ex Ser. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum dryas Crantz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum elatum Wall. ex Hook.f. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum elatum Wall. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum elegans Poepp. ex Scheutz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum erectum Moench Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum fischeri Besser ex Fisch. & Trautv. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum franckii Steud. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × fridae Rech.f. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × gajewskii Smejkal Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum geminiflorum (Borb s) Bolle Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum geniculatum Michx. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum geniculatum auct. americ. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum glaciale Adams ex Fisch. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Geum glutinosum Pursh ex Lehm. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum grahamii Steud. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum grandiflorum Lindl. ex Steud. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum helveticum Schltdl. ex Tratt. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum heterocarpum Boiss. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Geum heterophyllum Desf. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum heterophyllum hort. ex Link Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum hibschii Beck Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × hirtigenum Borb s Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum hispidum C.Klinggr. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum hispidum Fr. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Geum humile Hornem. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum ibericum Besser ex Scheutz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum idahoense (Piper) Smedmark Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum incisum Dumort. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum inclinatum Timb.-Lagr. ex Nyman Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × inclinatum Schleich. ex W.D.J.Koch Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum intermedium Ledeb. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × intermedium Ehrh. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Geum intermedium Ten. ex Nyman Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum intermedium Willd. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum intermedium Schltdl. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum intermedium Wimm. & Grab. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum intermedium Ten. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum intermedium Ten. ex Janka Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum intermedium Besser Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum intermedium Baumg. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum intermedium Raf. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum involucratum Juss. ex Pers. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Geum iranicum Khat. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum iyoanum Koidz. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × jankae Beck Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum japonicum hort. ex Scheutz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum japonicum Koidz. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum japonicum Thunb. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum kerneri Bl>locki ex Bolle Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum klattianum Peterm. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum kokanikum Regel & Schmalh. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum kolbianum Obrist & Stein ex Stein Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum laciniatum Murray Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Geum laciniosum Murray Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum latifolium Raf. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum laxmannii Gaertn. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum lobatum Sommier & Levier Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum lobatum (Baldwin) Smedmark Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum longifolium (Maxim.) Smedmark Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum lyratum hort. Vindob. ex Scheutz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum macedonicum Friv. ex Griseb. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × macneillii J.-P.Bernard & R.Gauthier Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × macranthum (Kearney ex Rydb.) B.Boivin Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × macranthum (Kearney ex Rydb.) S.L. Welsh Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Geum macrophyllum Hook. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum macrophyllum Willd. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Geum magellanicum Comm. ex Pers. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Geum magellanicum Lechl. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum meinshausenii Gams Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × meinshausenii Gams. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Geum × mengelii Sennen Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum mexicanum Rydb. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum meyerianum Rydb. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum microcephalum Cardot Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum micropetalum Gasp. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum molle Willk. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum molle Vis. & Pančić Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Geum montanorivale Rchb. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum montanum Gouan ex Steud. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum montanum L. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18 1
Geum mulleri Reyck ex Galeotti Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × navarroi Sennen Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum nutans hort. Par. ex Lam. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum obliquum (Moench) Steud. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum ochroleucum Raf. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum oregonense (Scheutz) Rydb. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum parviflorum Hook.f. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum parviflorum Steud. & Hochst. ex Steud. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum paui Cadevall Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum peckii Pursh Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum pentapetalum Hult‚n Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum pentapetalum Makino Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum pentaphyllum Makino Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Geum persicum Bornm. ex Bolle Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum peruvianum Focke Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum pictum hort. ex Scheutz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum pinnatifidum Raf. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum plumosum Mo‡. & Sess‚ ex D.Don Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum portenschlagianum Tratt. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum potentilloides Aiton Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × pratense Pau Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum pseudomolle Pant. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum pubescens Hook. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × pulchrum Fernald Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Geum pulchrum Fernald Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Geum purdomii hort. ex W.E.Evans Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × pyrenaicoides H.L‚v. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum pyrenaicum W.D.J.Koch Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum pyrenaicum Ramond Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum pyrenaicum Willk. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum pyrenaicum Willd. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum pyrenaicum Wimm. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum pyrenaicum Mill. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Geum quellyon Sweet Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum quellyon hort. Edinb. ex Lindl. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum radiatum Pursh Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum radiatum Michx. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum rafinesqueanum Steud. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum ranunculoides H.L‚v. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum renifolium Raf. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum reptans L. Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum reptans R.Br. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum resinosum Sess‚ & Mo‡. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × rhaeticum Brügger Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum rhodopeum Stoj. & Stef. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Geum riojense F.Bolle Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Geum rivale Bourg. ex Nyman Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum rivale L. Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum rivale Ten. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum rivale auct. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum rivale Bigelow Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum rivalemontanum Rouy & E.G.Camus Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum rivali-urbanum G.Mey. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum rivali-urbanum Rchb. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum rivalimontanum Rchb. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × rivalimontanum Gillot Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum rosii Pursh Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Geum rossii (R.Br.) Ser. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18 1
Geum rotundifolium (L.) Moench Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum rotundifolium Fisch. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum roylei Wall. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum rubellum Fisch. & C.A.Mey. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum rubifolium Schur Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum rupestre Raf. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum rupestre (T.T.Yu & C.L.Li) Smedmark Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum sachalinense H.L‚v. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × salvatoris Sennen ex Bolle Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum scopulorum Greene Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum scottsbergianum Hosseus Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum selinifolium (Fisch. ex F.Schmidt) Hult‚n Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum sericeum Kirk Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum sieboldii hort. ex Scheutz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum sieversii hort. Upsal. ex Scheutz Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × spurium C.A.Mey. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Geum strictum auct. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × sudeticum Tausch Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum sylvaticum Pourr. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Geum talbotianum W.M.Curtis Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum tanzybeicum (Stepanov) Smedmark Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum ternatum (Stephan) Smedmark Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × teszlense Simonk. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × thomasianum Ser. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × timbalianum Rouy & E.G.Camus Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × tirolense A.Kern. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum triflorum Torr. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum triflorum Jeps. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum triflorum Pursh Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18 3
Geum × umbrosum Dumort. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum umbrosum (L.) Moench Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum urbanorivale Schiede Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum urbanorivale Rchb. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum urbanorivale G.Mey. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum urbanum Hook.f. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum urbanum auct. nonn. fl. as. med. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum urbanum A.Gray Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum urbanum auct. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum urbanum L. Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18 1
Geum × velenovskyi Borb s Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum vernum (Raf.) Torr. & A.Gray Accepted H RJP 2011-10-18
Geum versipatella C.Marquand Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum vicanum Schur Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum vidalii Franch. & Sav. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum virginianum Georgi Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum virginianum Murray Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum virginianum Spreng. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum virginianum auct. americ. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum virginianum L. Accepted L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum viscosum Raf. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum waldsteiniae Smedmark Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum waldsteinioides Albov Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum × willdenowii Fisch. & C.A.Mey. Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18
Geum willdenowii J.N.Buek bis Unresolved L RJP 2011-10-18


The Plant List includes 402 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Geum. Of these 35 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 54 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Geum. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 402 species names for the genus Geum recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of binomial name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 35 8.7%
Synonym 132 32.8%
Unplaced 1 0.2%
Unassessed 234 58.2%

All names

The status of the 456 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Geum recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of all name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 39 8.6%
Synonym 178 39.0%
Unplaced 1 0.2%
Unassessed 238 52.2%

Of the species names,

A further 1 name records indicate where names have been misapplied.

The confidence with which the status of the 402 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Geum, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 24 72 0 0 96 23.9%
Medium confidence 1 0 0 0 1 0.2%
Low confidence 10 60 1 234 305 75.9%

The source of the species name records found in The Plant List for the genus Geum is as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
RJP 34 130 1 228 0 393 97.8%
Tropicos 1 1 0 6 0 8 2.0%
WCSP (in review) 0 1 0 0 1 1 0.2%