The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1.1 of The Plant List has been superseded and should no longer be used.

The new version is available at The new version is enhanced, using more data sources including Taxonomic Expert Networks and will be more frequently updated.


The genus Calathea is in the family Marantaceae in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Calathea

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Sort the name records using the clickable table header buttons.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied Infra. rec.
Calathea ackermani Körn. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea ackermannii Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea acuminata Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea aemula Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea affinis Fenzl ex Regel Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea albertii (Pynaert & Van Geert) L.H.Bailey & Raffill Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea albovaginata (K.Koch & Linden) K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea allenii Woodson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea allouia (Aubl.) Lindl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea altissima (Poepp. & Endl.) Horan. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea amazonica H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea anderssonii H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea angustifolia Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea annae H.A.Kenn. & Marcelo Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea anulque H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea applicata Jacob-Makoy ex E.Morren Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea argyraea Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea argyrophylla (Linden ex K.Koch) L.H.Bailey & Raffill Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea arrabidae Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea asplundii H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea atropurpurea Matuda Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea attenuata H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea bachemiana E.Morren Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea bantae H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea baraquinii (Lem.) Regel Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea barbata Petersen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea basiflora H. Kenn. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea bella (W.Bull) Regel Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea bellula Linden Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea blanda (Nees) Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea boliviana Pax Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea bracteosa Rusby Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea brasiliensis Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea brenesii Standl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea brevipes Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea brunnescens (K.Koch) K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea buchtienii Pax Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea burle-marxii H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea caesariata H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea cannoides (Nicolson, Steyerm. & Sivad.) H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea capitata (Ruiz & Pav.) Lindl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea caquetensis S.Suárez & Galeano Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea cardenasii Rusby Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea carioca H. Kenn. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea carlae H.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea carolineae H. Kenn. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea cartaractarum K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea casupito (Jacq.) G.Mey. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea chimboracensis (Linden) Linden Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea chiriquensis H.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea chrysantha Horan. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea chrysoleuca (Poepp. & Endl.) Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea cinerea Regel Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea cleistantha Standl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea clivorum H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea coccinea Standl. & Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea colombiana L.B.Sm. & Idrobo Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea colorata (Hook.) Benth. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea communis Wand. & S.Vieira Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea comosa (L.f.) Lindl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea compacta S.Suárez & Galeano Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea concinna (W.Bull) K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea concolor Eichler ex Petersen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea confusa H. Kenn. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea congesta H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea contrafenestra H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea coriacea H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea crocata E.Morren & Joriss. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea crotalifera S.Watson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea cuneata H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea curaraya H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea cyclophora Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea cylindrica (Roscoe) K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea densa (K.Koch & Linden) Regel Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea dicephala (Poepp. & Endl.) Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea dilabens L.Andersson & H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea discolor G.Mey. ex Eggers Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea divaricata Rusby Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea dodsonii H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea donnell-smithii K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea dorothyae H. Kenn. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea dressleri H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea dryadica J.M.A.Braga Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea eburnea André & Linden Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea ecuadoriana H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea eichleri Petersen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea elegans H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea elliptica (Roscoe) K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea enclitica J.F.Macbr. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea erecta L.Andersson & H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea erythrolepis L.B.Sm. & Idrobo Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea eximia (K.Koch & C.D.Bouché) Körn. ex Regel Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea exscapa (Poepp. & Endl.) Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea exserta Rusby Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea fasciata (Linden ex K.Koch) Regel & Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea fatimae H.A.Kenn. & Marcelo Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea flavescens Lindl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea foliosa Rowlee ex Woodson & Schery Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea forgetii Stapf Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea fragilis Gleason Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea fredgandersii H.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea fucata H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea furcata H. Kenn. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea gandersii H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea gardneri Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea gentryi H. Kenn. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea glaziovii Benth. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea gloriana J.D.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea grandis Petersen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea granvillei L.Andersson & H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea grazielae H.A.Kenn. & Marcelo Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea grazielae H. Kenn. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea guianensis Klotzsch ex Benth. & Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea guzmanioides L.B.Sm. & Idrobo Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea gymnocarpa H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea hagbergii H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea hammelii J.D.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea harlingii H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea hieroglyphica Linden & André Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea hirta Ravenna Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea hopkinsii Forzza Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea humilis S.Moore Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea hylaeanthoides J.D.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea idroboi H. Kenn. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea illustris M.P.Corrêa Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea incompta J.D.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea indecora Woodson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea inocephala (Kuntze) T.Durand & B.D.Jacks. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea inscripta (W.Bull) N.E.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea iocosa J.F. Macbr. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea ischnosiphonoides H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea jagoriana Regel Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea jocosa J.F.Macbr. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea joffilyana J.M.A.Braga Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea jondule H. Kenn. & Hammel Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea kappleriana Körn. ex Horan. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea killipii L.B.Sm. & Idrobo Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea koernickeana Horan. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea kummeriana E.Morren Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea laetevirens Huber Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea lagoagriana H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea lanata Petersen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea lancifolia Boom Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea lanibracteata H. Kenn. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea lanicaulis H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea lasiophylla H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea lasiostachya Donn.Sm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea lasseriana Steyerm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea lateralis (Ruiz & Pav.) Lindl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea latifolia (Willd. ex Link) Klotzsch Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea latrinotecta H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea legrelleana (Linden) Regel Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea leonia (Sander) K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea leonoriae Lascur., H.Oliva & Avendaño Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea leucostachys Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea libbyana H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea liesneri H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea lindbergii Petersen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea lindeniana Wallis Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea lindeniana Wallis & Andre Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea lindmanii K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea lineata Huber Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea linharesana H. Kenn. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea littoralis (Ledeb. ex Sweet) Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea loeseneri J.F.Macbr. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea longibracteata (Sweet) Lindl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea longiflora H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea longipetiolata H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea louisae Gagnep. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea lucianii (Linden) Cogn. & Marchal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea lutea (Aubl.) E.Mey. ex Schult. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea maasiorum H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea macilenta Lindl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea macrosepala K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea majestica (Linden) H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea makoyana E.Morren Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea mandioccae Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea mansoi Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea mansonis Körn. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea marantifolia Standl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea marantina (Willd. ex Körn.) K.Koch Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea martinicensis Urb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea matudae H.Kenn. & Ganders Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea mediopicta (E.Morren) Jacob-Makoy ex E.Morren Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea metallica Planch. & Linden Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea micans (L.Mathieu) Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea microcephala (Poepp. & Endl.) Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea mirabilis Jacob-Makoy ex E.Morren Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea mirandae Huber Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea misantlensis Lascur. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea mishuyacu J.F.Macbr. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea modesta Brongn. ex Gris Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea monophylla (Vell.) Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea monstera H. Kenn. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea multicincta H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea neblinensis H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea neoviedii Petersen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea nidulans L.B.Sm. & Idrobo Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea nigricans Gagnep. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea nigrocostata Linden & André Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea nitens Ender Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea nitidifolia H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea nobilis (K.Koch) Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea oblonga (Mart.) Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea orbifolia (Linden) H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea ornata (Linden) Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea osa H. Kenn. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea ovandensis Matuda Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea ovata (Nees & Mart.) Lindl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea pachystachya (Poepp. & Endl.) Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea pacifica Linden & André Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea pallidicosta H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea panamensis Rowlee ex Standl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea paucifolia H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea pavonii Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea pavonina (K.Koch & Linden) Petersen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea pearcei Rusby Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea peregrina H. Kenn. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea peruviana Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea petersenii Eggers Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea picturata K.Koch & Linden Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea pilosa Rusby Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea pittieri K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea platystachya Standl. & L.O.Williams Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea plicata H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea pluriplicata H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea plurispicata H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea poeppigiana Loes. ex H.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea polystachya K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea porphyrocaulis (W.Bull) N.E.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea portobelensis H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea praecox S.Moore Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea prolifera (Vell.) J.M.A.Braga Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea propinqua (Poepp. & Endl.) Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea propinquum Körn. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea pruinata (W.Bull) N.E.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea pseudo-illustris Huber Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea pseudoveitchiana H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea pulchella (E.Morren) Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea pumila (Vell.) Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea ravenii H. Kenn. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea recurvata H.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea regalis (Rollison ex Lem.) H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea reginae J.M.A.Braga Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea retroflexa J.D.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea rhizanthoides H. Kenn. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea robin-fosteri H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea robiniae H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea rodeckiana K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea roseobracteata H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea roseopicta (Linden) Regel Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea rossii (Lodd. ex Sweet) Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea rufibarba Fenzl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea rusbyi Loes. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea sanderiana (Sander) Gentil Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea saxicola Hoehne Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea schunkei H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea sciuroides Petersen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea selbyana H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea sellowiana Körn. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea sellowii Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea silvicola H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea silvosa J.F.Macbr. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea similis H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea singularis H.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea soconuscum Matuda Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea sophiae Huber Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea sousandradeana H.Kenn. & Ganders Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea sphaerocephala K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea spiralis H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea splendida (Lem.) Regel Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea sprucei Rusby Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea squarrosa L.Andersson & H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea standleyi J.F.Macbr. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea stenostachys Rusby Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea steyermarkii H.A.Kenn. & Nagata Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea straminea Petersen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea striata H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea stromanthifolia Rusby Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea subtilis S.Moore Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea sucrei H. Kenn. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea taeniosa Joriss. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea tarrazuensis H.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea timothei H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea tinalandia H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea toroi S. Suárez Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea trianae L.B.Sm. & Idrobo Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea trichoneura H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea truncata (Link ex A.Dietr.) K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea tuberosa (Vell.) Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea ucayalina Huber Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea ulei Loes. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea ulotricha J.F.Macbr. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea umbrosa Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea undulata (Linden & André) Linden & André Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea ursina Standl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea utilis H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea vaginata Petersen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea varians (K.Koch & Mathieu) Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea variegata (K.Koch) Linden ex Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea veitchiana Veitch ex Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea velutina (Poepp. & Endl.) Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea venusta H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea verapax Donn.Sm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea verecunda H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea verruculosa H.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea villosa (Lodd. ex G.Don) Lindl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea vinosa H.A.Kenn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea violacea (Roscoe) Lindl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea virginalis Linden ex Regel Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea wallisii (Linden) Regel Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea warscewiczii (L. Mathieu ex Planch.) Planch. & Linden Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Calathea warszewiczii (L.Mathieu ex Planch.) Planch. & Linden Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea whitei Rusby Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea widgrenii Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea williamsii J.F.Macbr. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea wiotii (E.Morren) Regel Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea zebrina (Sims) Lindl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Calathea zingiberina Körn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23


The Plant List includes 689 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Calathea. Of these 287 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 18 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Calathea. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 689 species names for the genus Calathea recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of binomial name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 287 41.7%
Synonym 370 53.7%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 32 4.6%

All names

The status of the 707 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Calathea recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of all name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 287 40.6%
Synonym 388 54.9%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 32 4.5%

Of the species names,

The confidence with which the status of the 689 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Calathea, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 285 359 0 0 644 93.5%
Medium confidence 2 11 0 0 13 1.9%
Low confidence 0 0 0 32 32 4.6%

The source of the species name records found in The Plant List for the genus Calathea is as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
Tropicos 2 11 0 30 0 43 6.2%
WCSP 285 359 0 2 0 646 93.8%