The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1.1 of The Plant List has been superseded and should no longer be used.

The new version is available at The new version is enhanced, using more data sources including Taxonomic Expert Networks and will be more frequently updated.


The genus Cyperus is in the family Cyperaceae in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Cyperus

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Sort the name records using the clickable table header buttons.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied Infra. rec.
Cyperus abnormis Steud. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus absconditicoronatus Bauters, Reynders & Goetgh. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus achalensis Hieron. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus acholiensis Larridon Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus acuminatus Torr. & Hook. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus acutiusculus Lag. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus adscendens Steud. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus afroalpinus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus afrodunensis Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus afromontanus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus afrovaricus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus aggregatus (Willd.) Endl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Cyperus ajax C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus alaticaulis R.Booth, D.J.Moore & Hodgon Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus albidus Retz. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus albopilosus (C.B.Clarke) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus albopurpureus Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus albosanguineus Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus albostriatus Schrad. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus albus J.Presl & C.Presl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus algeriensis Väre & Kukkonen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus almensis D.A.Simpson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus alopecuroides Rottb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus alterniflorus R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus alternifolius L. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus altochrysocephalus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus altomicroglumis Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus altsonii Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus alulatus J.Kern Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus alvesii G.C.Tucker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus amabilis Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus amauropus Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus × amuricocompressus T.Koyama Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus × amuricoides T.Koyama Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus amuricus Maxim. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus anderssonii Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus androhibensis D.A.Simpson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus angolensis Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus angustatus R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus anisitsii Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus ankaizinensis Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus ankaratrensis Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus antillanus (Kük.) O'Neill Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus apatris Steud. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus appendiculatus (Brongn.) Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 2
Cyperus aquatilis R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus arenarius Salzm. ex Steud. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus arenarius Retz. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus aristatus Boeckeler Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus armstrongii Benth. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus arrojadii H. Pfeiff. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus arsenei O'Neill & Ben.Ayers Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus articulatus L. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus astartodes K.L.Wilson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus aster (C.B.Clarke ex Cherm.) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus aterrimus Hochst. ex Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus atkinsonii C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus atractocarpus Ridl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus aucheri Jaub. & Spach Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus aureoalatus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus aureobrunneus C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus aureolus Steud. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus auriculatus Nees & Meyen ex Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus aurifer Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus austrochrysanthus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus × babae T.Koyama Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus babakan Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus badius Poir. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus baldwinii Chapm. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus balfourii C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus baobab Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus baoulensis Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus baronii C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus bellus Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus benadirensis Chiov. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus benghalensis C.B.Clarke Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus bernieri Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus berroi (C.B.Clarke) Barros Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus betafensis Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus betchei (Kük.) S.T.Blake Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus beyrichii (Schrad. ex Nees) Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus bifidus Pourr. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus bifolius Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus blakeanus K.L.Wilson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus blysmoides Hochst. ex C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus boeckleri Phil. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus boninensis Ohwi Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus × borealikiiensis T.Koyama & Ogawa Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus boreobellus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus boreochrysocephalus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus boreohemisphaericus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus bowmanii F.Muell. ex Benth. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus breedlovei G.C.Tucker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus breviculmis R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus brizimorphus Steud. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus bromoides Britton ex Parish Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus brumadoi D.A.Simpson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus brunneofibrosus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus brunnescens Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus bufonius (L.) Maack ex Trautv. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus bulamensis Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus bulbosus Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus burkartii Guagl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus caducus Steud. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus caesius Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus calderoniae S.González Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus camphoratus Liebm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus cancrorum Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus canus J.Presl & C.Presl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus capensis Boeckeler Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus capensis (Steud.) Endl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus capitatus Vand. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus carinatus R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus carrii Kük. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus castaneobellus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus castaneus Willd. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus catharinensis Boeckeler Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus cearaensis Gross ex Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus celans Kukkonen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus cellulosoreticulatus Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus centralis K.L.Wilson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus cephalanthus Torr. & Hook. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus cephalotes Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus chaetophyllus (Chiov.) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus chalaranthus J.Presl & C.Presl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus chamaecephalus Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus chermezonianus Robyns & Tournay Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus chersinus (N.E.Br.) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus chevalieri Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus chinsalensis Podlech Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus chionocephalus (Chiov.) Chiov. ex Chiarugi Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus chlorocephalus (C.B.Clarke) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus chlorocephalus C.B. Clarke Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus chordorrhizus Chiov. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus chorisanthos C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus chrysocephalus (K.Schum.) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus ciliatus Jungh. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus cinereobrunneus Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus clarkei T.Cooke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus clarus S.T.Blake Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus clavinux C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus coercens Rchb. ex Kunth Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus columbiensis Palla Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus colymbetes Kotschy & Peyr. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus commixtus Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus compactus Retz. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus compressus L. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus concinnus R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus × condensatus T.Koyama Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus confertus Sw. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus congensis C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus congestus Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus conglomeratus Rottb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 2
Cyperus conicus (R.Br.) Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus consors C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus constanzae Urb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus convallium Steud. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus coriifolius Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus cornelii-ostenii Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus coronarius (Vahl) Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus correllii (T.Koyama) G.C.Tucker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus corymbosus Rottb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus costaricensis Gómez-Laur. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus cracens K.L.Wilson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus crassipes Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus cremeomariscus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus crispulus K.L.Wilson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus cristulatus S.T.Blake Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus croceus Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus cruentus Rottb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus crypsoides J.Kern Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus cundudoensis Chiov. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus cunninghamii (C.B.Clarke) C.A.Gardner Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus curvistylis J.Kern Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus cuspidatus Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus cylindricus Boeckeler Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus cylindrostachyus Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus cymulosus Willemet Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus cyperinus (Retz.) Suringar Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus cyperoides (L.) Kuntze Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus cyprius Post Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus cyrtostachys C.B.Clarke Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus dactyliformis Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus dactylotes Benth. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus davidsei G.C.Tucker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus × deamii O'Neill Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus debilis R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus debilissimus Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus deciduus Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus decompositus (R.Br.) F.Muell. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus densibulbosus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus dentatus Torr. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus dentifer Kom. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus dentoniae G.C.Tucker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus denudatus L.f. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus denudatus Vahl Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus depauperatus Steud. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus derreilema Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus diamantinus (D.A.Simpson) Govaerts Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus dianae Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus dichromeniformis Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus dichromennaeformis Kunth Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus dichromus C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus dichrostachyus Hochst. ex A.Rich. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus dietrichiae Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Cyperus difformis L. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus diffusus Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus digitatus Roxb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 2
Cyperus dilatatus Schumach. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus dioicus I.M.Johnst. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus dipsaceus Liebm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus disjunctus C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus distans L.f. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus distinctus Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus diurensis Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus dives Delile Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus diwakarii Wad.Khan & Solanke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus donianus Boeckeler Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus drakensbergensis (Vorster) Govaerts Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus dregeanus Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus drummondii Nees ex Boeckeler Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus drummondii Torr. & Hook. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus dubius Rottb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Cyperus dubius Roxb. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus duclouxii E.G.Camus Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus dunensis (Cherm.) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus duripes I.M.Johnst. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus durus Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus eboracensis R.Booth, D.J.Moore & Hodgon Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus echinatus (L.) Alph.Wood Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus eglobosus K.L.Wilson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus ekmanii Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus elatus L. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus elegans L. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Cyperus elephantinus (C.B.Clarke) C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus elytropiptos Steud. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus endlichii Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus enervis R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus entrerianus Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus ephemerus Kukkonen & Väre Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus eragrostis Lam. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus eremicus Kukkonen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus erythrorrhizos Muhl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus esculentus L. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus exaltatus Retz. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus exilis Willd. ex Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus expansus Poir. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus familiaris Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus fastigiatus Rottb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus fauriei Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus feani F.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus felipponei Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus fendlerianus Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus ferrugineoviridis (C.B.Clarke) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus fertilis Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus fezelianus C.B. Clarke Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus filiculmis Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus filiculmis A.Rich. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus filifolius Willd. ex Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus filifolius Willd. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus filiformis Sw. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus filipes Benth. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus fischerianus Schimp. ex A.Rich. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus fissus Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus flaccidus R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus flavicomus Schltdl. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus flavoculmis Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus flexuosus Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus floribundus (Kük.) R.Carter & S.D.Jones Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus floridanus Britton Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus foliaceus C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus forskalianus Väre & Kukkonen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus fossarum Schltdl. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus friburgensis Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus frionensis Boeckeler Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus fucosus K.L.Wilson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus fulgens C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus fuligineus Chapm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus fulvoalbescens T.Koyama Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus fulvus R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus fuscescens Willd. ex Link Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus fusciformis Drobow Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus fuscovaginatus Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus fuscus L. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus galengensis C.B. Clarke in Baker Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus gardneri Baker Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus gardneri Nees Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus gayi (C.B.Clarke) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus giganteus Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus gigantobulbes Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus gilesii Benth. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus ginge Welw. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus glaber L. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus glaucophyllus Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus globularis Zinserl. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus glomeratus L. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus graciliculmis Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus gracilis R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus granatensis C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus grandibulbosus C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus grandifolius J.G.Anderson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus grandis C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus grandisimplex C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus granitophilus McVaugh Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus grayi Torr. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus grayioides Mohlenbr. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus grossianus Pedersen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus guatemalensis Steud. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus gubanii Väre & Kukkonen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus guianensis (C.B.Clarke) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus gunnii Hook.f. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Cyperus gymnocaulos Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus gypsophilus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus gyraudinii Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus haematocephalus Boeckeler ex C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus haematodes Endl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus hainanensis (Chun & F.C.How) G.C.Tucker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus hakonensis Franch. & Sav. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus hamulosus M.Bieb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus hangianus Gand. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus harrisii Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus haspan L. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus hayesii (C.B.Clarke) Standl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus helferi Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus hemisphaericus Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus hensii C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus heptaphyllus Larrañaga Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus × heribaudii Pau Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus hermaphroditus (Jacq.) Standl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus hesperius K.L.Wilson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus heterocladus Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus hieronymi Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus hieronymi Boeck. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus hilairenus Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus hilgendorfianus Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus hillebrandii Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Cyperus hirtellus (Chiov.) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus holciformis J. Presl & C. Presl Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus holoschoenus R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus holostigma C.B.Clarke ex Schweinf. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus holstii Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus honoluluensis Steud. ex Jard. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus hoppiifolius Uittien Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus houghtonii Torr. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus humilis Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus × hybridus Hausskn. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus hypochlorus Hillebr. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Cyperus hypopitys G.C.Tucker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus hystricinus Fernald Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus imbecillis R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus imbricatus Retz. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus impolitus Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus impubes Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 2
Cyperus inaequalis Willemet Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus incompressus C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus incomtus Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus indecorus Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus infucatus Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus inops C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus × insidiosus Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus insularis Heenan & de Lange Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus intersita Zinserl. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus intricatus Schrad. ex Schult. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus involucratus Rottb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus iria L. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus isabellinus K.L.Wilson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus ischnos Schltdl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus ivohibensis (Cherm.) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus ixiocarpus F.Muell. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus javanicus Houtt. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus jeminicus Rottb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus jenmani C.B. Clarke Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus jouannatii Pau Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus juncelliformis Peter & Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus kabarensis Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus × kadzusensis T.Koyama Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus kaessneri C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus kamtschatica Kom. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus kappleri Hochst. ex Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus karisimbiensis (Cherm.) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus karlschumannii C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus karthikeyanii Wad.Khan & Lakshmin. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus kasamensis Podlech Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus kerstenii Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus kerstingii Engl. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus kibweanus J.Duvign. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus kilimandscharicus Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus kipasensis Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus kirkii C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus kituiensis Muasya Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus koyaliensis Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus kuekenthalii Merr. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus kuntzei Boeckeler Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus kurzii C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus kwaleensis Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus kyllingiella Larridon Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus kyllingiformis Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus lacunosus Griseb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus laeteflorens (C.B.Clarke) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus laetus J.Presl & C.Presl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus laevigatus L. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 2
Cyperus laevis R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus lamprocarpus Boeckeler Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus lancastriensis Porter Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus lanuginosulus Ruiz ex Buchenau Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus lapidicola Kük. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus lateriticus J.Raynal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus latifolius Poir. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus latzii K.L.Wilson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus laxiflorus Poir. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus laxus Willemet Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus laxus Lam. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 2
Cyperus leavenworthii Dewey Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus lecontei Torr. ex Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus leiocaulon Benth. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus lentiginosus Millsp. & Chase Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus leonensis Steud. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus leptanthos Steud. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus leptocladus Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus leptophyes C.B.Clarke Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus leucocephalus Retz. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus lhotskyanus Beck Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus ligularis L. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus ligusticus Gand. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus limiticola Larridon & Reynders Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus limosus Maxim. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus linearispiculatus T.L.Dai Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus litvinovii Meinsh. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus lividus Steud. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus locuples C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus lomatophyllus Engl. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus longifolius Poir. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus longiinvolucratus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus longispicula Muasya & D.A.Simpson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus longistylus Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus longus L. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Cyperus lucidulus Link Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus lucidus R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus luerssenii Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus lundellii O'Neill Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus lupulinus (Spreng.) Marcks Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Cyperus luteus Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus luzulae (L.) Retz. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus macer C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus macropachycephalus Goetgh. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus macrophyllus (Brongn.) Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus macrorrhizus Nees Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus macrostachys Link Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus maculatus Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus maderaspatanus Willd. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus majungensis Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus malaccensis Lam. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Cyperus mangorensis Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus manimae Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 2
Cyperus mapanioides C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus maranguensis K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus margaritaceus Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus marginatus Thunb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus mariscoides Elliott Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus marlothii Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus marojejyensis Bosser Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus marquisensis F.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus matagoroensis Muasya & D.A.Simpson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus matudae G.C.Tucker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus mauretaniensis Väre & Kukkonen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus mauritianus Willemet Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus medusaeus Chiov. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus meeboldii Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus megalanthus (Kük.) G.C.Tucker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus meistostylus S.T.Blake Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus meridionalis Barros Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus × mesochorus Geise Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus meyenianus Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus meyerianus Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus michelianus (L.) Delile Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Cyperus michoacanensis Britton ex C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus micrantherus Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus microbolbos C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus microbrunneus G.C.Tucker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus microcephalus R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus microcristatus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus microglumis D.A.Simpson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus microiria Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus micromariscus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus micromedusaeus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus micropelophilus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus microumbellatus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus × mihashii T.Koyama Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus miliifolius Poepp. & Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus minimus Forssk. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus minutiflorus J.Presl & C.Presl Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus minutus J.F.Gmel. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus mirus C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus mitis Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus mogadoxensis Chiov. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus molliglumis Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus mollipes (C.B.Clarke) K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus monospermus (S.M.Huang) G.C.Tucker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus moutona F.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus mudugensis D.A.Simpson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus muliifolius Poepp. & Kunth Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus multifolius Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus multinervatus Bosser Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus multispicatus Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus multispiceus R.Booth, D.J.Moore & Hodgon Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus mundulus Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus muniziae G.C.Tucker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus mutisii (Kunth) Andersson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus mwinilungensis Podlech Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus myrmecias Ridl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus nanellus Tang & F.T.Wang Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus nanus Willd. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Cyperus natalensis Hochst. ex C.Krauss Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus navicularis Steud. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus nayaritensis G.C.Tucker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus nduru Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus nemoralis Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus neoguinensis Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus neokunthianus Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus nervosostriatus Turrill Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus nigrofuscus T.L.Dai Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus niigatensis Ohwi Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus nipponicus Franch. & Sav. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus niveoides C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus niveus Retz. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 2
Cyperus noeanus Boiss. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus nutans Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 2
Cyperus nyassensis (Podlech) Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus nyererei Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus obbiadensis Chiov. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus oblongoincrassatus Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus obtusus Willemet Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus ochraceus Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus odoratus L. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Cyperus × ogawai T.Koyama Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus ohwii Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus onerosus M.C.Johnst. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus orgadophilus K.L.Wilson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus ornatus R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus orthostachyus Franch. & Sav. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus ossicaulis Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus ostenii Kük. ex Osten Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus ovatus Baldwin Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus owanii Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus oxilepis Nees Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus oxycarpus S.T.Blake Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus oxylepis Nees ex Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pachycephalus J.Kern Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pacificus (Ohwi) Ohwi Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus palianparaiensis Govind. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pallidicolor (Kük.) G.C.Tucker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pallidus Link Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus panamensis (C.B.Clarke) Britton ex Standl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pandanophyllum C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pangorei Rottb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Cyperus paniceus (Rottb.) Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus paniculatus Hook. & Arn. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pannonicus Jacq. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus paolii Chiov. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus papyrus L. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 3
Cyperus paradoxus Steud. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus paramattensis Link Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus parishii Britton Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus parvus Hassk. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus patulus Willd. ex Link Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus paucidentata Zinserl. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus pauciflora Link Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus pearcei C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pectinatus Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pedunculosus F.Muell. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pellucida C. Presl Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus pendulus Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus penicillatus Conz. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pennatiformis Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Cyperus pennellii O'Neill & Ben.Ayers Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pentabracteatus Govind. & Hemadri Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pentabracteus Govind. & Hemadri Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus penzoanus Pic.Serm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus perangustus S.T.Blake Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus perennis (M.E.Jones) O'Neill Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus permacer C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pernambucensis Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus perrieri (Cherm.) Hoenselaar Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus perusillus Boeck. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus pes-avium Bertol. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus petasata Zinserl. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus phaeolepis Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus phgmaeus Rottb. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus philippensis J.Presl & C.Presl Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus phillipsiae (C.B.Clarke) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus phleoides (Nees ex Kunth) H.Mann Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 2
Cyperus phleoides (Nees) Hillebr. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus picardae Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pilosulus (C.B.Clarke) K.Schum. ex Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pilosus Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pinetorum Britton Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus planifolius Rich. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus plantaginifolius Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus plateilema (Steud.) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus platycaulis Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus platyphyllus Roem. & Schult. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus platystylis R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus plukenetii Fernald Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pluribracteatus (Kük.) Govaerts Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pluricephalus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus plurinervosus Bodard Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus podocarpus Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus poecilus C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus poeppigii Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pohlii (Nees) Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Cyperus politus Welw. ex Ridl. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus polyanthelus Govind. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus polyphyllus Larrañaga Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus portae-tartari K.L.Wilson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus potundus L. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus praemorsus Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pratensis Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus procerus Rottb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus prolifer Lam. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus prolixus Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus propinguus Schrad. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus psammophilus Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pseuderemicus Kukkonen & Väre Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pseudobrunneus (C.B.Clarke ex Cherm.) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pseudodistans Uittien Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pseudopetiolatus G.C.Tucker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pseudopilosus (C.B.Clarke) Govaerts Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pseudosomaliensis Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pseudothyrsiflorus (Kük.) R.Carter & S.D.Jones Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pseudovegetus Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pseudovestitus (C.B.Clarke) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pubens Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pubescens J.Presl & C.Presl Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pulchellus R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pulcher Thunb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pulcherrimus Willd. ex Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pulguerensis M.T.Strong Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pulicaris Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus punctorius Schrad. ex Boeckeler Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pungens Kunth Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus purpureo-glandulosus Mattf. & Kuek. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus purpureoviridis Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus purpurrhizus Boeckeler Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus pustulatus Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus pycnostachyus (Kunth) Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus quinqueflora O. Schwarz Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus radians Nees & Meyen ex Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus ramosus (Benth.) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus rapensis F.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus recurvispicatus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus redolens Maury ex Micheli Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus reduncus Hochst. ex Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus reflexus Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus refractus Engelm. ex Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus regiomontanus Britton Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus rehmii Merxm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus remotispicatus S.S.Hooper Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus remotus (C.B.Clarke) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus renschii Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus reticulatus Schimper Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus retroflexus Buckley Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Cyperus retrofractus (L.) Torr. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus retrorsus Chapm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus rheedei F.Muell. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus rhenanus Schrad. ex Kunth Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus rheophyticus Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus rhigiophyllus Hochst. ex C.Krauss Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus rhynchosporoides Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus rigens J.Presl & C.Presl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Cyperus rigidellus (Benth.) J.M.Black Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus rigidifolius Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus rigidulus Vahl Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus riparius Salisb. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus robinsonii Podlech Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus rockii Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus rohlfsii Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus rotundifolius L. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus rotundus L. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus ruberosus Rottb. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus rubicundus Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus rubromarginatus Meinsh. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus rufescens Schrad. ex Steud. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus rufostriatus C.B.Clarke ex Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus rupestris Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus rupicola S.T.Blake Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus sahelii Väre & Kukkonen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus sandwicensis Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus sanguineoater Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus sanguineofuscus Hook.f. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus sartorii Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus scaber (R.Br.) Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus scabricaulis Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus scariosus R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus schaffneri Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus schimperianus Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus schinzii Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus schlechteri C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus schoenomorphus Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus schomburgkianus Nees Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus schweinfurthii (Chiov.) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus schweinitzii Torr. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus sciaphilus Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus scleropodus Chiov. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus scoparius Poir. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus sculptus S.T.Blake Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus secubans K.L.Wilson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus seemannianus Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus semifertilis S.T.Blake Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus seminudus Zoll. & Moritzi Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus semiochraceus Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus semitrifidus Schrad. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus sensilis Baijnath Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus serotinus Rottb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Cyperus seslerioides Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus setigerus Torr. & Hook. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus sexangularis Nees Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus sexflorus R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus sharonensis Danin & Kukkonen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus sharpei R.Booth, D.J.Moore & Hodgon Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus sieberianus Spreng. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus sikkimensis Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus silletensis Nees Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus simaoensis Y.Y.Qian Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus simplex Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus simpsonii (Muasya) Larridon Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus solidifolius Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus solidus Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus somalidunensis Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus somaliensis C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus soongoricus Kar. & Kir. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus sordidus J.Presl & C.Presl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus soyauxii Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus spectabilis Link Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus sphacelatus Rottb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus sphaerocephalus Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus sphaeroideus L.A.S.Johnson & O.D.Evans Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus sphaerolepis Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus sphaerospermus Schrad. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus spiralis Larridon Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus splendens (Cherm.) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus sporobolus R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus squarrosus L. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus st-crucei Liebm. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus steadii Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus stenophyllus J.V.Suringar Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus stoloniferus Retz. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus stradbrokensis Domin Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus stramineoferrugineus Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus strigosus L. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus subaequalis Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus subanceps Boeckeler Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus subbadius Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus subcaracasanus Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus subcastaneus D.A.Simpson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus subfuscus Debeaux Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus submicrolepis Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus subpapuanus Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus subtenax Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus subtenuis (Kük.) M.T.Strong Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus subtilis (Kük.) Väre & Kukkonen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus subulatus R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus surinamensis Rottb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus svensonii G.C.Tucker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus swartzii (A.Dietr.) Boeckeler ex Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus szechuanensis T.Koyama Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus tabina Steud. ex Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus tabularis Schrad. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus tacnensis Nees & Meyen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 2
Cyperus tanganyicanus (Kük.) Lye Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus tanyphyllus Ridl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus tatandaensis Muasya & D.A.Simpson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus tempeae G.C.Tucker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus tenax Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus tener Vahl Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus tenerrimus J.Presl & C.Presl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus tenuiculmis Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 2
Cyperus tenuis Sw. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus tenuispica Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus tenuispiculatus Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus tetracarpus Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus tetraformis Desv. Accepted M TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus tetragonus Elliott Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus tetraphyllus R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus textilis Thunb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus thomsonii Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus thorelii E.G.Camus Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus thorncroftii McClean Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus thunbergii Vahl Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus thyrsiflorus Jungh. ex Schltdl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus tomaiophyllus K.Schum. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus tonkinensis C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Cyperus trachysanthos Hook. & Arn. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus trailii C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus trialatus (Boeckeler) J.Kern Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus triceps F.N.Williams Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus trichodes Griseb. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus trigonellus Suess. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus trinervis R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus triphyllus Larrañaga Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus trisulcus D.Don Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus tropicalis M.T. Strong Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus tuberosus Roxb. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus × turbatus Baijnath Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus turrialbanus Gómez-Laur. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus turrillii Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus tweediei C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus umbellatus Hillebr. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Cyperus umbellatus Burm.f. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus uncinatus Desv. ex Ham. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus uncinulatus Schrad. ex Nees Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus undulatus Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus unicolor Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus uniflorus Thunb. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus unifolius Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus unispicatus Bauters, Reynders & Goetgh. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus urbanii Boeckeler Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus usitatus Burch. ex Roem. & Schult. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus ustulatus A.Rich. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus vaginatus R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus vandervekenii Reynders, Dhooge & Goetgh. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus varicus (C.B.Clarke ex Cherm.) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus ventricosus R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus venustus Kunth Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus vestitus Hochst. ex C.Krauss Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus victoriensis C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus violifolia Rodriguez & Alfonso Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus virens Michx. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 2
Cyperus viscidulus K.L.Wilson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus volckmannii Phil. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus volodia Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus vorsteri K.L.Wilson Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus wallichianus Spreng. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus × weatherbianus Fernald Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus weatherbianus Fernald Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cyperus whitmeei (C.B.Clarke) Kük. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus wilburii G.C.Tucker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus wissmannii O.Schwartz Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus xanthostachyus Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus xerophilus Cherm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus yadavii Wad.Khan, D.P.Chavan & Solanke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus × yamamotoi T.Koyama Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus zanzibarensis C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus zollingeri Steud. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Cyperus zollingerioides C.B.Clarke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23


The Plant List includes 2,744 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Cyperus. Of these 699 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 1,240 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Cyperus. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 2,744 species names for the genus Cyperus recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of binomial name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 699 25.5%
Synonym 1,900 69.2%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 145 5.3%

All names

The status of the 3,984 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Cyperus recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of all name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 748 18.8%
Synonym 3,088 77.5%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 148 3.7%

Of the species names,

The confidence with which the status of the 2,744 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Cyperus, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 695 1,848 0 0 2,543 92.7%
Medium confidence 4 43 0 0 47 1.7%
Low confidence 0 9 0 145 154 5.6%

The source of the species name records found in The Plant List for the genus Cyperus is as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
Tropicos 4 44 0 35 0 83 3.0%
WCSP 695 1,856 0 110 0 2,661 97.0%