The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1.1 of The Plant List has been superseded and should no longer be used.

The new version is available at The new version is enhanced, using more data sources including Taxonomic Expert Networks and will be more frequently updated.


The genus Cineraria is in the family Compositae in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Cineraria

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Sort the name records using the clickable table header buttons.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied Infra. rec.
Cineraria abyssinica Sch.Bip. ex A.Rich. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria albicans N.E.Br. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria alchemilloides DC. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria alliarifolia Desf. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria alpestris Pall. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria ambracea Fisch. ex Colla Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria anampoza (Baker) Baker Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11 1
Cineraria angulata alam. ex DC. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria angulosa Lam. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria anomala Sibth. & Sm. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria arctotidea DC. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria aspasia Hort. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria aspera Thunb. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria atriplicifolia DC. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria aucheri K.Koch Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria aurita Hort. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria austrotransvaalensis Cron Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria bosniaca Beck Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria bracteosa O.Hoffm. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria britteniae Hutch. & R.A.Dyer Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria canadensis Walter Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria canescens J.C.Wendl. ex Link Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria carolinensis Walter Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria crassifolia Host Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria cyanomontana Cron Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria decipiens Harv. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria deltoidea Sond. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria denticulata DC. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria dieterlenii E.Phillips Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria discoidea Kit. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria divaricata Spreng. ex DC. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria dregeana DC. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria dryogeton Cron Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria dubia Weigel Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria dubia Spreng. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria elatior Bouché Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria elegantissima Hoffmanns. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria eminii Asch. ex Schweinf. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria erodioides DC. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria erosa (Thunb.) Willd. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria erosa (Thunb.) Harv. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria erucifolia Viv. ex Illar. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria exilis DC. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria exsquamata Sweet Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria flatnitzensis Pacher Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria geifolia C.A.Mey. ex Steud. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria geifolia (L.) L. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria geraniifolia DC. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria glaberrima Spreng. ex DC. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria glandulosa Cron Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria glastifolia Banks & Sol. ex Hook.f. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria gnaphalodes Nyman Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria gracilis O.Hoffm. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria grandibracteata Hilliard Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria grisebachii Degen & Dörfl. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria hederifolia Cron Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria hinniculus Hort. ex Marnock Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria huilensis Cron Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria humifusa L'Hér. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria integrifolia Jacq. ex Willd. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria integrifolia Vill. ex Steud. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria integrifolia Richards. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria laevis Spreng. ex DC. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria lanata Link Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria lanosa DC. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria lineata Vahl ex DC. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria lobata L'Hér. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria lobata DC. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria longipes S.Moore Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria lyratiformis Cron Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria magnicephala Cron Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria maritima Wulf. ex Steud. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria mazoensis S.Moore Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria megapotamica Spreng. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria microglossa DC. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria mitellifolia L'Hér. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria mollis E.Mey. ex DC. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria ngwenyensis Cron Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria othonnoides Harv. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria parvifolia Burtt Davy Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria pentactina Hook.f. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria perfoliata Thunb. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria petasites (L.) Bernh. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria pinnata O.Hoffm. ex Schinz Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria platycarpa DC. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria polycephala DC. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria prittwitzii O.Hoffm. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria pulchella Sweet Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria pulchra Cron Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria punctata Sessé & Moc. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria purpurata L. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria ramosa Vuk. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria saxifraga DC. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria scandens Mutis Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria schimperi Sch.Bip. ex A.Rich. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria senecionis L'Hér. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria sonchifolia L. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria stenophylla Porcius Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria tillandsiaefolia Poepp. ex DC. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria tillandsiaefolia Poepp. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria tomentolanata Govaerts Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria tomentolanatus Govaerts Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Cineraria tomentosa Less. & Hutch. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria tomentosolanatus Govaerts Accepted L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria tussilaginoides Webb ex Loudon Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria vagans Hilliard Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria vallis-pacis Dinter ex Merxm. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria vallispacis Range Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria verticillata Mairet Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria vestita Spreng. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria viscosa L'Hér. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria volubilis A.Spreng. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Cineraria webberiana Paxton Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11


The Plant List includes 147 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Cineraria. Of these 51 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 16 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Cineraria. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 147 species names for the genus Cineraria recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of binomial name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 51 34.7%
Synonym 33 22.4%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 63 42.9%

All names

The status of the 163 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Cineraria recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of all name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 52 31.9%
Synonym 48 29.4%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 63 38.7%

Of the species names,

The confidence with which the status of the 147 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Cineraria, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 0 0 0 0 0 0%
Medium confidence 50 31 0 0 81 55.1%
Low confidence 1 2 0 63 66 44.9%

The source of the species name records found in The Plant List for the genus Cineraria is as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
TICA 51 33 0 62 0 146 99.3%
Tropicos 0 0 0 1 0 1 0.7%