The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1.1 of The Plant List has been superseded and should no longer be used.

The new version is available at The new version is enhanced, using more data sources including Taxonomic Expert Networks and will be more frequently updated.


The genus Calea is in the family Compositae in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Calea

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Sort the name records using the clickable table header buttons.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied Infra. rec.
Calea abbreviata Pruski & Urbatsch Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea abelioides S.F.Blake Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea acaulis Baker Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea angosturana Hieron. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea angusta S.F.Blake Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea annua Hassl. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea anomala Hassl. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea asclepiadea Sch.Bip. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea asclepiaefolia Hassl. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea bahiensis (Mattf.) H.Rob. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea bakeriana Chodat Accepted L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea barrosoana H.Rob. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea berteriana DC. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea bipontinii Krasch. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea brachiata (Lag.) DC. Accepted L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea brasiliensis Spreng. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea brevifolia Rusby Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea brittoniana Pruski Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea bucaramangensis Pruski & Urbatsch Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea caleoides (DC.) H.Rob. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea camani Maguire & K.D.Phelps Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea camargoana S.Díaz Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea camporum Krasch. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea candolleana (Gardner) Baker Accepted L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea caracasana Hieron. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea caroliniana Walter Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea chapadensis Malme Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea chocoensis Cuatrec. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea chodatii Hassl. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea clausseniana Baker Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea clematidea Baker Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea colombiana Gand. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea cordata Lour. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea coriacea DC. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea coridifolia Pruski Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calea coronopifolia Sch.Bip. ex Krasch. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea crassifolia Standl. & Steyerm. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea crenata Chodat Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea crocinervosa "Wussow, Urbatsch & G.A.Sullivan" Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea cuneifolia DC. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11 1
Calea cymosa Less. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea dalyi Pruski & Urbatsch Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea densiflora Klatt Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea divaricata Benth. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea divergens Sch.Bip. ex Baker Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea elongata (Gardner) Baker Accepted L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea esposi Maguire & Phelps Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea ferruginea Sch.Bip. ex Baker Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea floribunda Baker ex Glaz. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea fluviatilis S.F.Blake Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea formosa Chodat Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea fruticosa (Gardner) "Urbatsch, Zlotsky & Pruski" Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea gardneriana Baker Accepted L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea gargantae Cuatrec. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea gentianoides DC. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea glabra DC. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea glabrata Sch.Bip. ex Krasch. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea glabricaulis Blake ex R.Knuth Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea glomerata Klatt Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea graminifolia Sch.Bip. ex Krasch. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea granitica Pruski Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calea grazielae J.U.Santos Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea harleyi H.Rob. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea harlingii H.Rob. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea hassleriana Chodat Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea hatschbachii Pruski & D.J.N.Hind Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea heteropappa Pruski & Urbatsch Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea heteropoda Sch.Bip. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea huigrensis S.F.Blake Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea hymenolepis Baker Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea hypericifolia (Gardner) Baker Accepted L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea ilienii Malme Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea integrifolia (DC.) Hemsl. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea intermedia Pruski & Urbatsch Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea irwinii G.M.Barroso Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea jamaicensis (L.) L. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11 1
Calea jelskii Hieron. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea kingii H.Rob. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea kirkbridei H.Rob. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea kristiniae Pruski Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea kunhardtii Maguire Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea lantanoides Gardner Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea lemmatioides Sch.Bip. ex Baker Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea lemmatioides Sch.Bip. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea leontophthalmum DC. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea lindenii S.F.Blake Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea linearifolia Maguire & Wurdack Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea longifolia (DC.) Baker Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea longipedicellata B.L.Rob. & Greenm. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea longipes S.F.Blake Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea lucida Maguire & Wurdack Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea lucidivenia Gleason & S.F.Blake Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11 2
Calea lutea Pruski & Urbatsch Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea marginata S.F.Blake Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea martiana Baker Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea martinicensis Hort. ex Steud. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea mediterranea (Vell.) Pruski Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea megacephala B.L.Rob. & Greenm. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea melissifolia Baker Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea microphylla (Gardner) Baker Accepted L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea monocephala Dusén Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea montana Klatt Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea morii H.Rob. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea moritzii Sch.Bip. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea multiplinervia Less. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea myrtifolia Benth. & Hook.f. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea myrtifolia (DC.) Baker Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea nana Maguire Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea neblinensis (Maguire & Wurdack) Pruski Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea nematophylla Pruski Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea nervosa G.M.Barroso Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea nitida Less. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea oaxacana (B.L.Turner) B.L.Turner Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea oliveri B.L.Rob. & Greenm. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea orbiculata Maguire & Aristeg. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea ottohuberi Pruski Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calea oxylepis Baker Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea pachensis Hieron. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea papposa Malme Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea paranensis Dusén Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea parvifolia (DC.) Baker Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea perijaensis Cuatrec. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea perimbricata Cuatrec. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea peruviana (Kunth) Benth. ex S.F.Blake Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea petropolitana Glaz. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea phelpsiae Lasser & Maguire Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea phyllolepis Baker Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea pilosa Baker Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea pinheiroi H.Rob. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea pinnatifida (R.Br.) Banks ex Steud. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea pohliana Sch.Bip. ex Baker Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea politii Maguire Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea polycephala (Baker) H.Rob. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea prunifolia Kunth Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea punctata Maguire & Wurdack Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea purpurea G.M.Barroso Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea quadrifolia Pruski & Urbatsch Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea ramosissima Baker Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea reticulata Gardner Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea rhombifolia S.F.Blake Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea riedelii Sch.Bip. ex Krasch. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea robinsoniana Pruski Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea rojasiana Chodat Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea rotundifolia (Less.) Baker Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea rotundifolia Krasch. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea rotundifolia Benth. & Hook.f. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea rupicola Chodat Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea saxatilis Cuatrec. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea scabra (Lag.) B.L.Rob. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea schomburgkii Sch.Bip. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea semirii Pruski & D.J.N.Hind Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea senecioides Baker Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea senecionis Benth. & Hook.f. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea septuplinervia Hieron. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea serrata Less. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea sessiliflora Less. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea sickii (G.M.Barroso) "Urbatsch, Zlotsky & Pruski" Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea sipapoana Maguire Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea sodiroi Hieron. ex Sodiro Accepted L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea solidaginea Kunth Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11 1
Calea stenophylla Baker Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea subcordata S.F.Blake Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea sublantanoides V.M.Badillo Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea subscandens Sch.Bip. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea szyszylowiczii Hieron. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea ternifolia Kunth Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11 2
Calea terrifolia B.D.Jacks. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea teucriifolia (Gardner) Baker Accepted L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea tolimana Hieron. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea triantha (Vell.) Pruski Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea tricephala Maguire Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea tridactylita Sch.Bip. ex Krasch. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea trujilloi V.M.Badillo Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea ulei Hieron. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea umbellulata Hochr. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea uniflora Krasch. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea uniflora Less. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea urticifolia Millsp. Unresolved L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea urticifolia (Mill.) DC. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea venosa Pruski Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Calea verticillata (Klatt) Pruski Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea villosa Sch.Bip. ex Baker Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea wedelioides (Baker) S.F.Blake Accepted L TICA 2012-02-11
Calea yuruparina Cuatrec. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11
Calea zacatechichi Schltdl. Accepted M TICA 2012-02-11


The Plant List includes 316 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Calea. Of these 152 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 73 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Calea. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 316 species names for the genus Calea recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of binomial name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 152 48.1%
Synonym 120 38.0%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 44 13.9%

All names

The status of the 389 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Calea recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of all name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 155 39.8%
Synonym 186 47.8%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 48 12.3%

Of the species names,

The confidence with which the status of the 316 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Calea, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 0 0 0 0 0 0%
Medium confidence 142 98 0 0 240 75.9%
Low confidence 10 22 0 44 76 24.1%

The source of the species name records found in The Plant List for the genus Calea is as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
TICA 152 116 0 40 0 308 97.5%
Tropicos 0 4 0 4 0 8 2.5%