The Plant List — A working list for all plant species

⚠ Version 1.1 of The Plant List has been superseded and should no longer be used.

The new version is available at The new version is enhanced, using more data sources including Taxonomic Expert Networks and will be more frequently updated.


The genus Chlorophytum is in the family Asparagaceae in the major group Angiosperms (Flowering plants).

Statistics are at the end of the page.

Species in Chlorophytum

See "Status", "Confidence level", "Source" for definitions.

Sort the name records using the clickable table header buttons.

Name Status Confi­dence level Source Date supplied Infra. rec.
Chlorophytum acutum (C.H.Wright) Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum affine Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Chlorophytum africanum (Baker) Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum alismifolium Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum alpinum Benth. ex Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum altum Engl. & K.Krause Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum amplexicaule Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum anceps (Baker) Kativu Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum andongense Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum angulicaule (Baker) Kativu Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum angustiracemosum Poelln. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum angustissimum (Poelln.) Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum ankarense H.Perrier Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum appendiculatum H.Perrier Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum applanatum Nordal & Thulin Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum arcuatoramosum R.B.Drumm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum aridum Oberm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum arundinaceum Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum aureum Engl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum basitrichum Poelln. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum baturense K.Krause Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum benuense Engl. & K.Krause Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum bharuchae Ansari, Sundararagh. & Hemadri Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum bifolium Dammer Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum blepharophyllum Schweinf. ex Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum borivilianum Santapau & R.R.Fern. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum bowkeri Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum brachystachyum Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum bracteatum Hua Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum brevipedunculatum Poelln. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum breviscapum Dalzell Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum bulbinifolium Hoell & Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum burundiense Meerts Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum calyptrocarpum (Baker) Kativu Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum cameronii (Baker) Kativu Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 2
Chlorophytum camporum Engl. & K.Krause Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum capense (L.) Voss Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum caudatibracteatum Engl. & K.Krause Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum caulescens (Baker) Marais & Reilly Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum chariense A.Chev. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum chelindaense Kativu & Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum chevalieri Poelln. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum chinense Bureau & Franch. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum chloranthum Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum clarae Bjorå & Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum collinum (Poelln.) Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum colubrinum (Baker) Engl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum comosum (Thunb.) Jacques Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum cooperi (Baker) Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum cordifolium De Wild. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum crassinerve (Baker) Oberm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum crispum (Thunb.) Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum cyperaceum (Kies) Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum dalzielii (Hutch. ex Hepper) Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum decaryanum H.Perrier Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum decipiens Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum densiflorum Engl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum dianellifolium (Baker) H.Perrier Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum distichum H.Perrier Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum dolichocarpum Tamura Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum dregei Poelln. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum ducis-aprutii Chiov. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum fasciculatum (Baker) Kativu Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum filifolium Nordal & Thulin Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum filipendulum Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Chlorophytum fischeri (Baker) Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum gallabatense Schweinf. ex Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum galpinii (Baker) Kativu Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 2
Chlorophytum geayanum (H.Perrier) Marais & Reilly Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum geophilum Peter ex Poelln. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum gilletii Compère Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum glaucoides Blatt. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum glaucum Dalzell Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum goetzei Engl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum gothanense Malpure & S.R.Yadav Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum gracile Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum graminifolium (Willd.) Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum graniticola Kativu Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum graniticum H.Perrier Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum graptophyllum (Baker) Marais & Reilly Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum haygarthii J.M.Wood & M.S.Evans Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum herrmannii Nordal & Sebsebe Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum heynei Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum hiranense Nordal & Thulin Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum hirsutum A.D.Poulsen & Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum holstii Engl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum humbertianum H.Perrier Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum humifusum Cufod. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum huyghei De Wild. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum hypoxiforme (H.Perrier) Marais & Reilly Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum hysteranthum Kativu Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum immaculatum (Hepper) Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum inconspicuum (Baker) Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum indicum (Willd. ex Schult. & Schult.f.) Dress Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum inornatum Ker Gawl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum intermedium Craib Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum juncifolium Baker Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum katangense De Wild. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum kolhapurense Sardesai, S.P.Gaikwad & S.R.Yadav Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum krauseanum (Dinter) Kativu Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum krookianum Zahlbr. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum lancifolium Welw. ex Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 2
Chlorophytum latifilamentatum Poelln. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum latifolium Engl. & K.Krause Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum laxum R.Br. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum leipoldii Poelln. Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum leptoneurum (C.H.Wright) Poelln. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum lewisae Oberm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum limosum (Baker) Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum linearifolium Marais & Reilly Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum littorale Nordal & Thulin Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum longifolium Schweinf. ex Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum longiscapum Dammer Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum longissimum Ridl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum macrophyllum (A.Rich.) Asch. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum macrorrhizum Poelln. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum macrosporum Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum madagascariense Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum malabaricum Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum malayense Ridl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum micranthum Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum minor Kativu Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum modestum Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum monophyllum Oberm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum namaquense Schltr. ex Poelln. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum namaquense Schltr. Ex V. Poelln. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Chlorophytum namorokense H.Perrier Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum nepalense (Lindl.) Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum nervatum (C.H.Wright) Poelln. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum nervosum Nordal & Thulin Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum nidulans (Baker) Brenan Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum nimmonii Dalzell Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum nubicum (Baker) Kativu Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum nyasae (Rendle) Kativu Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum nzii A.Chev. ex Hepper Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum occultum A.D.Poulsen & Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum olatum R. Br. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Chlorophytum orchidastrum Lindl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum parkeri (Baker) Marais & Reilly Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum parvulum Chiov. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum paucinervatum (Poelln.) Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum pauciphyllum Oberm. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum pauper Poelln. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum pendulum Nordal & Thulin Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum peralbum Poelln. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum perfoliatum Kativu Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum petraeum Nordal & Thulin Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum petrophilum K.Krause Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum poggei Engl. ex Poelln. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum polystachys Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum psammophilum Engl. & Gilg Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum pseudocaule Tesfaye & Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum pterocarpum Nordal & Thulin Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum puberulum Engl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum pubiflorum Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum pubirachis Hanid Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Chlorophytum pusillum Schweinf. ex Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum pygmaeum (Weim.) Kativu Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Chlorophytum radula (Baker) Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum ramosissimum Nordal & Thulin Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum rangei (Engl. & K.Krause) Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum recurvifolium (Baker) C.Archer & Kativu Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum reflexibracteatum Poelln. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum rhizopendulum Bjorå & Hemp Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum rigidum Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum ruahense Engl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum rubribracteatum (De Wild.) Kativu Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum rutenbergianum Vatke Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum sanseviera Griseb. Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Chlorophytum saundersiae (Baker) Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum scabrum Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum senegalense (Baker) Hepper Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum serpens Sebsebe & Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum silvaticum Dammer Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum simplex Craib Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum sofiense (H.Perrier) Marais & Reilly Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum somaliense Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum sparsiflorum Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 1
Chlorophytum sphacelatum (Baker) Kativu Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23 3
Chlorophytum staudtii Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum stenopetalum Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum stenostachyum Diels Unresolved L TRO 2012-04-18
Chlorophytum stolzii (K.Krause) Weim. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum subligulatum H.Perrier Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum subpetiolatum (Baker) Kativu Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum suffruticosum Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum superpositum (Baker) Marais & Reilly Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum sylvestre Bardot-Vaucoulon Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum tenerrimum Peter ex Poelln. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum tetraphyllum (L.f.) Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum transvaalense (Baker) Kativu Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum trichophlebium (Baker) Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum triflorum (Aiton) Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum tripedale (Baker) H.Perrier Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum tuberosum (Roxb.) Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum unifolium Malaisse & Bamps Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum vaginatum Hua Unresolved L WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum velutinum Kativu Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum vestitum Baker Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum viridescens Engl. Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum viscosum Kunth Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum waibelii K.Krause Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum warneckei (Engl.) Marais & Reilly Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum zambiense Bjorå & Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum zavattarii (Cufod.) Nordal Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23
Chlorophytum zingiberastrum Nordal & A.D.Poulsen Accepted H WCSP 2012-03-23


The Plant List includes 745 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Chlorophytum. Of these 196 are accepted species names.

The Plant List includes a further 51 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Chlorophytum. We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. These are primarily included because names of species rank are synonyms of accepted infraspecific names.

Species names

The status of the 745 species names for the genus Chlorophytum recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of binomial name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 196 26.3%
Synonym 538 72.2%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 11 1.5%

All names

The status of the 796 names (including infraspecific names) for the genus Chlorophytum recorded in The Plant List, are as follows:

Pie chart of all name statuses
Status Total
Accepted 207 26.0%
Synonym 576 72.4%
Unplaced 0 0%
Unassessed 13 1.6%

Of the species names,

The confidence with which the status of the 745 species names recorded in The Plant List for the genus Chlorophytum, are assigned as follows:

Confidence level Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Total
High confidence 196 533 0 0 729 97.9%
Medium confidence 0 5 0 0 5 0.7%
Low confidence 0 0 0 11 11 1.5%

The source of the species name records found in The Plant List for the genus Chlorophytum is as follows:

Source of record Accepted Synonym Unplaced Unassessed Misapplied Total
Tropicos 0 5 0 5 0 10 1.3%
WCSP 196 533 0 6 0 735 98.7%